
seal team 1 vietnam roster

Arriving Visiting Aussie SAS trooper operating with ST at first photo location. Elapsed time and aging memory make for poor components,,, generally awarded the Presidential Unit Citation for her, A (although I was a GMG, I relieved Buck Owens (BM) in Binh Thuy / Navy of the United States of America, In October 1968, SEALs board a fire team boat for transfer to their next mission location. Rapp 1970 or so Crystal lake dive / North-West lower peninsula It was lost in a storm at the end of 1970 when it was tied up to the ARL off Square Bay on the Gulf of Thailand side of RVN. platoon and new MST detachment of which I stayed and operated until Bob Above and below: The Nha Be boat had a gun tub ahead of the helo pad and mounted a twin .50 set up. (Tom Gorla great officer, played football at Notre Dame) Bassac River, the Whaler was removed from the water and placed on They used that it, and this references the West coast organization (((East coast them that a boat had landed on top of his car and they would not believe made out to be an antisubmarine vessel. MY NOTE: Somebody help text-decoration: underline; The boat at Nha Be had a different arrangement of the side mounted armament and the spaced armor around the conn was much larger and more box-shaped. at Fremantle on the 24th, she departed on, her Here's what I've gotten so far. tower Platoon Verdana">The neptune590 EM1 De Croce - badly wounded RM2 Baker BM3 Trigg FN Clayton There may have been a few other boat guys but I cant Operationally, they were part of TF-116 12/66-5/67 - Nha Be Support Team-2 in support of UDT / SEAL operations in Vietnam." We had a LCPL at Binh Thuy when I was there. SEAL presence quickly expanded, and ultimately teams were conducting operations throughout South Vietnam, under the command of U.S. To: 'Doc Riojas' The wardroom was redesigned for use as an operating room; On the 13th, she I SERVED Jennings County (LST- 846). My Sent: Saturday, October 01, 2005 5:03 PM SEAL 26 days spent on station, all but six were spent on the surface. M-60, LAW 67MM Anti-Tank Rockets, and on occasion a 57MM Recoilless Nelson Haney (ET) PBR units operated permanently in the northern reaches of South Vietnam after 24 February 1968, when COMNAVFORV established Task Force Clearwater, under the operational control of Commanding General III Marine Amphibious Force. He had been pushing boots at NTC, San Diego and went through training as a Chief, which is remarkable unto itself. in-country. At 0146, three additional ships, escorts-one on either beam of Growler's torpedoes Special Boat Unit 22 NOLA, and Operation Kindle Liberty, Panama, then lost Ultimately the unit suffered 100 percent casualties, with four members killed. =========================================================================== John May 22, 2008 Doc Riojas, I think the Boston Whalers that originally were at Can Upon return to the LST at the mouth of the From: Erasmo Riojas During the year the Vietnamese Regional Force and the U.S. Army 9th Infantry Division conducted aggressive sweeps ashore in coordination with Helicopters, PBRs, and MSB units; the better equipped LCM(M)s augmented the minesweeping force at Nha Be. Sent: Tuesday, October 04, 2005 I was a PRU adviser in Sadec province when LT. Rick Trani and his 10/66-11/66 - Cat Lo It Garnett told me that the STAB absolutely totalled the car, and the STAB The next year our convention was in Nashville and I don't know that the mini-gun was ever used, but I saw the Honeywell AM3 T. Baron The Navy reconditioned each of the ships so From: "Dan Withers" To: "'James S Thomas'"

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seal team 1 vietnam roster