
seal team fanfiction clay throwing up

What should be a relatively straight forward op goes sideways pretty quickly when they discover they have no comms, and the force they're up against isn't as small as their intel suggested. Get him to apologize and hear you out. Ray wrapped his arm around Clays shoulders and was surprised to feel a sticky liquid. Clay's ignored his trauma for nearly 15 years and he's facing it a whole bunch right now, This man is my personal punching bag at this point, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. He would make it an order if he needed to, but he had a feeling that Clay would oblige. When we were on Team 3, Clay damn near bled out cause he hid two gunshot wounds so that the mission could continue until he passed out on the exfil helo. The truth might be closer to the fact that the title of 'Favorite Uncle' is an ever shifting and evolving right that depends entirely on situation and circumstance. [6x08 did not happen in my AU]Chapter 11: First problem.Chapter 12: Clay's recovery continues. The threat from within Bravo has been growing, but it is not the only threat that Clay is facing. He knew better than that. I might get in less trouble that way. Thundering down the stairs of the apartment, Clay stood at the bottom and caught his breath for a moment. Brock wasn't expecting Trent to find out about him and Jason like this. No one could resist the puppy dog eyes that Brock pulled out when necessary, not even nurses that had been vetted by the Navy. The team has to find a way to cope with their loss and return to the field or risk being separated. Got him right in the light switch too.. He didnt move. We loved and we saved you. Oh, I think theres plenty to see here, Trent said, lowering him back down to the floor. Or so he claimed. Clay goes missing during the Op. Something goes wrong, blame Clay. "Penny for your thought?" Clay gave Brock a strange look because he generally doesn't get involved in the team members personal lives. Why didnt he say anything?, Because you told him not to cause problems! Team guy thats Ash Spensers kid. Turns out that Clay was good at reading lips, another one of his many hidden talents, and the last thing that he wanted was for him to think that they were watching him because of what went down on the OP; that was dead and buried, no need to rehash it more. His body went tense as Jason sat down on the bunk beside him. No way, Cerb and I will take good care of him, besides he likes to cuddle when he doesnt feel well. Thats how it always works. Now look here, just because I dont showcase that particular talent of mine very often doesnt mean that I. , I just prefer not to, Sonny clarified, easily distracted from his original concern with a threat to his ego. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. Please consider turning it on! Jason comes to find he needs to prove to not only Clay, but Emma, that he can be a changed man. So far everything was going smoothly, and he was hoping it would stay that way. " Hey guys, Put the beer in the kitchen but keep the noise down. Realizing Clay clearly didnt want to talk about it, Ray switched the subject once the young man had gained his feet. They have spent countless hours pouring over information, chasing leads, and interrogating witnesses; some of which have proved fruitful, but most have been fruitless. He became a punching bag for frustrations. SEAL Team: Clay was shot after a guard spotted the gun in his hand (Image: PARAMOUNT ) Unbeknownst to Clay, however, a security guard spotted the altercation and when Clay turned with the. He looks like he went out for a night of drinking, Sonny looks just as bad.. Sonny had the tissues in his hand and Cerberus was sitting up on the bed ready to be pet, but it wasnt needed. [includes some events from the episode 2x22 but with Sonny/Clay and hurt/comfort twist]. Why are you being kind to me?, Thats what brothers do, Clay. Set somewhere early in Season 4 with spoiler alert in notes. Not long after the pair had vanished from Clays view, he hear what sounded like someone whispering further into the tunnels. What? The general met his eyes and for a moment Clay thought he was going to throw up from nerves and not from whatever was rolling around in his stomach. Appendicitis was fucking painful. Clay, have other teams abused you in the past? Clay continued to remain silent. Brock and Jason had waited long enough. Or, a story of forced vulnerability in the name of being loved. It was only a matter of time before he came up with another harebrained scheme. Im sorry for interrupting, sir., Clay, it is necessary. Clay glanced down at the street through the camera Bravo had set up in their hiding spot on the balcony the night before. Jason only hoped that the rest of the day passed without incident, there had been enough drama for the day. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). There was chaos all around them: Cerberus was barking, Ray was grumbling, and Sonny was yelling, but Trents focus was on Clay. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Sonnys The ride back to base was spent in complete silence. Buckley as Sonny Quinn, Neil Brown Jr . The pooch was doing an admirable job of not going towards his fallen brother, but if Clay started howling in pain all bets were off. Somethings bothering you brother, Trent replied, looking more closely at Ray. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, But consume they did, one might even say that they had. You still need to earn a spot if you want to be on Bravo full time.. It's an exciting time to be a fan of CBS-turned-Paramount+ original SEAL Team. Will Clay be able to return to Bravo after the events of 6x01 and his serious injury? While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Clay & Emma are already dating and have told Bravo. Work Search: Nights out with Sonny Quinn were legendary, and Clay wasnt exactly known for holding his liquor. Most of the AAR is obviously going to be about the chopper problems. That never should have happened. Youre right. It didnt matter the kid supposedly spoke the local dialects. Clay fought through another wave of nausea as the rest of the guys filled in and the scent of percolating coffee filled the air. They figured out early that Clay liked bread and crackers when he was nauseous but wouldnt eat them normally. Emma has no idea that Ash is nothing but a predator looking to destroy her. The team has to infiltrate a luxury spa to get to a high value target who is believed to frequent said spa. left kudos on this work! [6x08 did not happen in my AU]Chapter 11: First problem.Chapter 12: Clay's recovery continues. So, in other words, not nearly enough to make him vomit the next morning, Ray proposed, swiping his hand over his forehead. He wants it off, it comes off, Jason stated plainly from the corner. Samirs thumb wasnt on the detonator. Clay had fully expected him to pin the HVTs death on him. It aint exactly rocket science to put those puzzle pieces together. Sonny spat out, not liking the look of judgement that crossed Rays face. His abdomen looked slightly distended, but nothing that would indicate that he had a bowel obstruction. In fact, Im sorry for how I have treated you this whole mission. But consume they did, one might even say that they had Standing from his seat, Ray made his way to the coffee pot in the corner of the room and jerked his head at Trent. Jase, the kid already thought you were going to spin the AAR to put the chopper problems on him., What? Seriously?. Of course, Clay replied trying to keep the wobble out of his voice. Clay responded once his mind caught back up, hoping it hadnt taken too long. When an old SEAL team member gets placed on Bravo team, it causes problems for their youngest. Come on, even Life was meant to be enjoyed. +. A short fic. When an old SEAL team member gets placed on Bravo team, it causes problems for their youngest. As soon as he was finished, Trent had him flat on his back while he dug the kit out of his cage. I fired one shot to confirm jackpot, and then two additional shots for the two assailants that responded to the sound of the shot.. And one not all of them will come back from. Nope, Ive got tramadol. This is a fluffy story following the development of their relationshipThis is a duplicate of the work that has been posted to FFN since last year. I saw Samir was wearing an S-Vest and took the shot. Jase! So I was inspired after writing my piece for Seal Week to write some more whump, so here we are. It didnt matter if he saved their lives. Bravo team is sent out with a strap to collect an HVT and things go horribly wrong, leaving three of them in the hands of the enemy. A/N: So, I recently fell into yet another wormhole and binged the first two seasons of SEAL team in less time than I should have used to watch it. They were closer than brothers and after a night on the town there would usually be some sort of ribbing, typically on when Clay tapped out or which lady friend Sonny had taken home for the evening. This season, Clay has sort of risen in maturity and has tried to take more ownership over the team. I dont want to hear any redemption story you might be interested in telling.. Or, how three very different people handle trauma in three very different ways. They were all waiting as patiently as they could, Sonny had found a new toothpick, Brock was petting Cerberus, and Ray had found some sort of magazine that caught his interest, but Jason couldnt settle. The Kid looked like someone had stomped on him with a muddy boot, and then ran him over with Sonnys truck. Is blood truly thicker than water or are the bonds forged in battle the strongest of all? A 'found family' kind of story. They stood in silence for a moment, but something wouldnt stop niggling in the back of Rays mind. Everything was as it should be, until Blackburn called him to his office and everything got turned upside down. Recovery from alcohol intoxication wouldnt cause abdominal pain, or a fever. This story takes place in my Fluff and Stuff universe. Sonny put his hand on Clay's forehead which was hot. There, Clay said through gritted teeth. Alright boys, take five and well do the next OP, we still have three more to get through before the days over.. No thanks. Clay gets shunted by his brothers, might get kicked off the team, and thats only the start of his problems. Why dont you let me wipe your face though, you got shit all over it again, Sonny joked, happy when Clay cracked a smile. Turning to the nurse, he gave his best charm smile before reassuring her. Sonny had never seen the kid shed a damn tear and if he did, it was out of sight. I need to get Trent. At least he still had his chance at Bravo after all. Theres only one message on their screen, but truthfully, they werent even expecting that. By the time Clay had heaved himself into his truck, the steady rumbling of his stomach turned into full on snarls. archiveofourown.org. Clay and Liz were the youngest members of Bravo and some of the most unlucky and stubborn people the team knew. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", What if Clay had been injured on his first mission with Bravo? New episodes Wednesdays at 9/8c on @CBSTV and @ParamountPlus. Trent thought to himself bitterly before he opened his mouth. One of the couples are not looking forward to having to act like a couple, the other one has tried to keep their excitement under check. seattle to bremerton ferry schedule. He wasn't expecting to pull hundreds of people online with him. Meet your strap., Jason turned towards Davis giving her an incredulous look in the process. You have to take a trip kid, looks like your appendix decided it was time to come out. He was leaning forward slightly, clutching his stomach with his left hand while he was twiddling a pen in his right. It was clear the team already didnt like him or trust him. It's up to Bravo Team to pick up the pieces as usual. It was obvious to him that if he messed up, Jason would make sure his time in DEVGRU came to an end. What happened man? Trent asked as he got Clays vest and shirt off, leaving him with a good view of the still bleeding wound and the completely soaked gauze bandage. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. Of course, sir- I mean Jason, Clay said with a visible spark in his eyes once more. It is a secret he has kept out of his military . You know, weve had worse straps, Ray said as he strung his hammock for the long flight across the ocean. Not sure how often I will get round to updating as I am Ill (chronic illness).Sorry about not posting guys. Clay? There is a lot of relatively graphic hurt before we get to the comfort. No one knew how to respond; the kid clearly wasnt in his right mind but the sound of his sobs were making their own chests hurt. Trent gave Jason a look and he sat down, not wanting the medic to turn his attention on him for the next exam. Bravo One, Sierra Hotel One, do you read me? Silence. Ill take care of it. Ill get the book to go with em., Trent, Jason sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. Clay is placed with the abusive Echo team. Switching between languages that quickly, like he did with the guard, wasnt easy, and he guessed that switching dialects was even harder. Clay didnt miss the look Jason gave him on the helicopter on the way in either. Jason has a surprise.Chapter 13: Clay goes through the CPO initiation. I cant figure out what it is man, but hes not hungover. He was just a cocky, arrogant kid getting pulled along by his father's name. The kid shouldnt be in the SEALs, let alone Green Team with what his father did. He stabbed me before I could get the upper hand. Clay winced as Trent started pouring antiseptic on the wound. There was no escaping it, no peace from the constant reminders of what he went through. Clays or Vics? Clay gets shunted by his brothers, might get kicked off the team, and thats only the start of his problems. Sonny is cool, I dig him. Alcohol, Appendicitis, and Anesthesia, Oh My! Max Thieriot is putting his heart and his roots into "Fire Country." Thieriot's Sonoma County, California, hometown of Occidental, is a major inspiration for tree-filled . Trent didnt answer, instead moving his glove covered hands across his abdomen. What he really wanted was to get this over with so he could go back to bed and hurl in the comfort of his own toilet. Trent just grimaced and sucked in a big breath before pressing down on Clays stomach and releasing, preparing himself for the scream that tore out of Clays throat. I'll let you decide for yourself who her actual favorite is :). You just go with him, let us know when hes out of surgery if we dont get there before the rest of the AARs are done., You got it boss. Not necessarily in chronological order. Emma never thought a night out for a book reading would change her life forever. Clay threw Jason a few apprehensive glances which were quickly met with eyes full of anger. as well as Sonny, Trent and Clay might have finally figured themselves out, but they still need a little more time to relax into things first. Only this time the threat lives within his mind. Each encounter leads to trying to monopolize Danny's time from a distance via calls, texts, and video calls. We gonna hold it against his cause his dad got PNGd? Sonny replied. When Trent came out of the operating room, he raised his hands before any of the questions could even bubble from his brothers mouths. Ill keep an eye on him, why dont you bring him a bagel and see if hell eat it? Dont be too hard on the kid, Jase. Bravo Six, how many shots did you fire on that particular day?, Clay took his time answering, knowing that all eyes were on him and he couldnt fall into his old habits when he didnt feel well. Clay remained quiet, thinking it was better to not say anything than argue. left kudos on this work! "I'm sorry buddy. He told me not to cause problems, Clay said with a shrug of his shoulders, immediately regretting the movement as it sent a wave of pain through his wound. Really its nothing. Clay quickly rose to his feet. This Sunday in SEAL Team 's midseason premiere, Clay enlisted a colleague to help be Bravo 1's "swim buddy," Sonny found assorted ways to deal with his anger issues, and Stella eventually. It didn't matter the kid supposedly spoke the local dialects. Jason cast a glare towards the strap. Excuse me? Jason was feeling worse and worse about of his treatment of the kid as more time went on. Stella crouched down in front of him smiling, gently stroking his hair. Clay knew that if he ever wanted a chance at Bravo, he would have to prove their opinions of him wrong on this mission. He would understand that better than anyone. You're welcome. A little smut because who doesn't love a little smut. Four team members are selected to check in, Clay and Sonny, Trent and Full Metal. Injuries are never bothersome, Clay. He was sure. It is a free, public, collaborative and interesting project for all to help create a definitive encyclopedia for the television show SEAL Team . Scott 'Full Metal' Carter was having an ordinary day. Brother, you feel like youre going to be sick?. Little whumps tangled with how Clay and Emma met. Why didnt you tell anyone man?. Southerner. Instead of turning him in Jason and Bravo risk their lives and careers to protect Clays secrets. Walk me through it, okay?, I caught a dude trying to creep on you guys, and I couldnt raise you on comms. What will this mean for Sonny and Davis? Clay Spenser, Jason Hayes, Petty Office Davis said as way of introduction as Jason walked onto the plane. Youre just the strap. I physically harmed you. Good work gents, Blackburn said with a curt nod of his head as he exited the room. No matter how he looked at it, Jasons words hurt. And tears streaming down his face. It wasn't his job to babysit some wet behind the ears kid on a high stakes mission. After all, most team leaders had done much worse. 2. A year later a video surfaces that turns their world upside down. Will he want to return? Are you okay? Easy Clay, easy, Trent said, injecting him in the thigh with a morphine vial and ignoring the raised eyebrows of Ray and Jason. It would be a long forty-eight hours if they tried to baby Clay too much, but it was because they cared. Though Ethan had never voiced his desire to join Bravo or be their selection, Clay knew it was there. And why is Clay in pain?Chapter 15: Jason is stepping away. Will he want to return? Dont shoot the messenger, she replied as she made her way into the plane to do some last-minute checks of the teams supplies. He'd prefer that his secrets stay buried but when is past and present meet things, things change. He is about to embark on a war where his brothers cant save him. Fuck. The shooting stops, as does his retching. It felt good to have someone to turn to, but Clay was still hesitant as to the sincerity of Jasons words. that saved their bacon. Will include the guys from Supernatural, Transformers, the Avengers, CSI's and NCIS's, The LOTR/ the Hobbits Trilogy, and Celebs. Jace, Im gonna come out and say it, I think Blondie should come home with me, Sonny said, puffing out his chest. 0:00. Related books include 'Imagines' and ' I've only got one shot'/. Are you scared that Im going to physically assault you again? The several seconds of silence and Clays sudden lack of eye contact gave Jason his answer. The one where Clay and Emma discover they both feel more for each other than they are willing to admit. Clay knew from the moment they found out there was a hostage that something was going to go wrong. Swiping the thermometer over his temple, Trent was pleasantly surprised that it was hovering just over 101, a low-grade fever. Im guessing all you have is morphine, and Im allergic to that so. Therefore, immediately after the end of Green Team, as punishment, Clay is deprived of the opportunity to get into one of the special groups and sent for three months to Fort Redding. Thats gonna follow him Jase. What do you mean by that? Jason was starting to feel like a real jerk. I do need to ask you something Clay. Clay locked eyes with him, hesitation clearly evident in his stare. Not a romance between OC and characters, just friendship and the team being kind, decent men. A story of forced vulnerability in the process, no peace from the episode 2x22 but with Sonny/Clay and twist... 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seal team fanfiction clay throwing up