
switzerland tunnel opening ceremony

Because of ever-increasing international truck traffic, Swiss voters chose a shift in transportation policy in September 1992 by accepting the NRLA proposal. [note 4]. Thousands of physicists work on the LHC at the CERN headquarters close to the Swiss-French border and remotely from universities around the world. Europe's elite attended a bizarre and disturbing occult ritual recently, in a satanic opening ceremony marking the opening of the Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland. The tunnel then passes below the valley of the Rein da Medel (Val Medel) and west of Lai da Sontga Maria. Since the opening date on 1 June 2016, between 130 and 160 trains on an average working day operated through the Gotthard Base Tunnel, which in March 2019 marked the 100,000th transit. And what was the ceremonys meaning? Our job is to embody the aesthetic of nonviolence in how we treat one another. A friend recently sent me a video to the Gotthard Tunnel opening ceremony in Switzerland that took place on June 1, 2016. Leaders of Germany, France and Italy were on hand for opening ceremonies CNN Seventeen years after construction crews started boring beneath the Swiss Alps, the world's longest, deepest. Imagine my face, then, when I discovered that the $9 million opening ceremony was filled with paganistic rituals of pre-Christian Old Europe. Construction began 17 years ago. You can find an overview of ongoing debates with our journalists here. CERN said the ritualistic sacrifice to Shiva was a prank by their researchers. Technical maximum speed: 250km/h (160mph), Maximum authorized speed: 230km/h (140mph), Operating speed (passenger): 200km/h (124mph) (normal) up to 230km/h (143mph) (if delay), Minimum speed: 100km/h (62mph) (freight), Amsteg (the 11.3km (7.0mi) section from Amsteg to north of, Sedrun (the 8.6km (5.3mi) East tube and 8.7km (5.4mi) West tube in the section immediately north and south of Sedrun), along with work performed by Transco (. In Appenzell, for example, singing Uglies wrapped in bristly fir branches have been ringing in the new year for centuries. The largest construction project in Swiss history, the 11bn tunnel is also the worlds deepest, running more than 1.4 miles below the Swiss Alps. After a few kilometres the tunnel crosses the watershed between the Anterior Rhine and the Ticino, just north of Pizzo dell'Uomo (2,525m (8,284ft)). A confirmation e-mail has been sent to your address. Although the technical maximum speed is 250km/h (160mph) through the GBT, the maximal authorized speed has been reduced to 230km/h (140mph) for ecological and economical reasons, while the operating speed of passenger trains is restricted to 200km/h (124mph) in order to accommodate the freight traffic, with the possibility to accelerate up to 230km/h (140mph) in case of delay. Without ventilation, the temperature inside the mountain reaches 46C (115F).[4]. I dont believe in Shiva! Scientists involved in the project say the laboratory was built underground because the Earth's crust provides protection against radiation. There is a short clip of dignitaries and elites spliced in between the two ritualistic ceremonies. The performance, designed to celebrate Great Britains National Health Service and history of childrens literature at the same time, is certainly an unusual mashup, but nothing in it said or depicted anything about the coronavirus. From 2 August to 27 November 2016, the Swiss Federal Railways ran a special train service through the tunnel called "Gottardino" which was open to the public. The restart of the Large Hadron Collider at the CERN laboratory near Geneva coincides with the 10th anniversary of the celebrated discovery by its researchers of the Higgs boson, a long-sought fundamental particle that gives mass to other subatomic components of the universe. https://twitter.com/Jay_Apocalyptic/status/1540817189154033666. Its wild but its TRUEand thats what makes it so scary. We rate the claim that a segment of the opening ceremony of the 2012 London Olympics predicted the coronavirus pandemic FALSE, based on our research. [87] Maybe youve heard of this, but if not youre going to have your mind blown and be disgusted all at the same time. Here they are performing a ritual outside with Shiva: https://twitter.com/HeirOfWitchery/status/1542650376477974528. A winged baby, semi-naked dancers and a man with a birds nest on his head[is] how Switzerland decided to mark opening of worlds longest rail tunnel. TruNews.com provides more detail: The ritual, dubbed by BBC as a lavish performance was originally intended to represent various aspects of Swiss culture. The recent opening ceremony for the worlds longest rail tunnel has had an amusing epilogue: a politician from the Swiss Peoples Party, spying what she reckoned were Islam-connected whirling dervishes, has complained to the cabinet about a lack of basic Swiss values. [33], The final breakthrough in the east tube occurred on 15 October 2010 at 14:17 +02:00. The aesthetic of the crucifixion meme suggests ultimate power resides with the powerless, the scapegoats and misfits, consigned to die outside our cities for the resentments and power-envy of the masses. Try An "Extreme Altitude Wine" From Patriot Wines. Contributions under this article have been turned off. Jesus rejects it by forgiving his enemies even though they slay him. A worshiped goat-man? AlpTransit Gotthard AG was responsible for construction. The actual opening ceremony will take place about March 28. [66] On 5 December, the Swiss Federal Railways were granted permission from the Federal Transport Office to use the new base line. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVw_mPvYcDM, (The second part of the video is found here.). CERN is literally summoning the demon. Faced head on, we as a society find this kind of brazen celebration of sacrificial violence increasingly pathetic and ugly. The theatrical production staged on June 1 for the opening of the 57km (35.4 mile) tunnel certainly generated a lot of attention. An opening ceremony of the Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland took place in . In 2016, several events, including festivities and special exhibitions, were held around the Gotthard, culminating in the inaugurations in early June, dubbed Gottardo 2016. Now the worlds longest rail tunnel, the Gotthard has a route length of 35.5 miles and a total of 94.3 miles of tunnels, shafts, and passages. Don't miss this major event in our innovation ecosystem and join the Tech4Eva community including: experts, ecosystem builders, investors, corporates, researchers . If you dont know what the Mandela Effect is, Ill have to cover that in a future article. With a route length of 57.09 km (35.5 mi), it is the world's longest railway and deepest traffic tunnel and the first flat, low . The user did not respond to a request for comment from USA TODAY. It shows nurses in vintage costumes standing among children in antique-style hospital beds that glow with light. This aesthetic, imperfectly embodied in fits and starts by us in art, music, meals, and self-emptying living is like an acid eroding the aesthetic of the state. ET. [64] From 2019 onwards, the Gotthard axis will be served by the Stadler EC250 (Giruno),[needs update] high-speed train and future flagship of the SBB fleet. As of 2016, the Gotthard Base Tunnel is the longest railway tunnel in the world. After 20 years in the making, Switzerlands Gotthard Base Tunnel opened last Wednesday to much fanfare. The tunnel passes under these two ranges more than 2,000m (6,562ft) below the Chrzlistock (2,709m or 8,888ft) and the Piz Vatgira (2,983m or 9,787ft, near the Lukmanier Pass). Unbridled animal sexuality? In fact, several magnitudes higher than never before tested. It opened in June 2016 and full service began the following December. There, the tunnel penetrates the western slopes of the Blmeten and Chli Windgllen (although only marginally) before passing below the valley of the Chrstelenbach, a creek in the Maderanertal. Yet, many believe thats not the case at all. This part was designed to honor and celebrate Great Britains National Health Service (a government program that provides health care at low cost), a British childrens hospital, and the nations body of childrens literature. On 8 November, a train reached the top speed of 275km/h (171mph). Swiss media are also not infrequently irritated by foreign habits and customs. The paper highlighted some of the more esoteric elements of the gala such as a winged baby, semi-naked dancers and a man with a birds nest on his head. Of course they have their own explanation for what all these creepy images mean. One Christian missionary contacted by WND. After 17-years of construction, which included extensive boring deep below the Swiss Alps, the world's longest tunnel officially opened on Wednesday . Please enter your email address so that the password reset email can be sent to you account. Whatever the possible message, it reflects not the Christian ethic but unbridled, perverted pagan sexuality. Considering that the theme of the opening ceremony best fits Alex Jones's clandestine mission into the Bohemian Grove, and not wanting to open a can of warms by creating a Satanic occult sub-forum, I figured that the Bohemian Club would be a good fit for this topic. Train services from Italy to Switzerland through the line are expected to become faster from 2020,[needs update] with the opening of the Ceneri Base Tunnel, with an expected further increase in passenger numbers. As for the winged baby, its an androgynous character wearing an ominous-looking mask; its certainly no angel of light. Full Bizarre, Demonic Gotthard Tunnel Opening Ceremony, Satanic, New World Order,. Please share your thoughts about this article below. The world's longest and deepest rail tunnel has officially opened in Switzerland, after almost two decades of construction work. We invite you to become a WeLoveTrump insider. Not weird at all. Who is sitting around a board room planning out the 2012 Olympics and says, you know what I think we need? (function() { var qs,js,q,s,d=document, gi=d.getElementById, ce=d.createElement, gt=d.getElementsByTagName, id="typef_orm", b="https://embed.typeform.com/"; if(!gi.call(d,id)) { js=ce.call(d,"script"); js.id=id; js.src=b+"embed.js"; q=gt.call(d,"script")[0]; q.parentNode.insertBefore(js,q) } })(). The 57km (35-mile) twin-bore Gotthard base tunnel will provide. [86], 67,000 tonnes (150million pounds) on 120 trains passed through the tunnel each day during the first half year of operation.[88]. The tunnel opened on 1 June 2016 with full service to begin in December 2016. Your data is used to pre-fill some form fields. Juni 1993", "Bundesbeschluss ber Bau und Finanzierung von Infrastrukturvorhaben des ffentlichen Verkehrs Chronologie", "Bundesbeschluss ber die Genehmigung der sektoriellen Abkommen zwischen der Schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft einerseits und der Europischen Gemeinschaft sowie gegebenenfalls ihrer Mitgliedstaaten oder der Europischen Atomgemeinschaft andererseits Chronologie", "Was passiert eigentlich mit der Gotthard-Bergstrecke? From the Amsteg portal, guided tours are organised inside the Gotthard Base Tunnel complex. Of course, theyd brand us decadent even if we just indulged innocent dancing, music, and drink and didnt cover our women in an eighth-century drape. [14] The new base tunnel establishes a direct route usable by high-speed rail and heavy freight trains. The two tunnels are joined approximately every 325m (1,066ft) by connecting galleries. pic.twitter.com/6aTfpnkhFi, Dr. Doom (@MajorX11878154) June 26, 2020. This content was published on Jun 1, 2016 A . The Gotthard Base Tunnel has opened in Switzerland, and its inaugural ceremony was bizarre enough to have many conspiracy theorists calling it a satanic ritual. It is part of the New Railway Link through the Alps (NRLA) project, which also includes the Ceneri Base Tunnel further south (opened on 3 September 2020) and the Ltschberg Base Tunnel on the other main northsouth axis. The goal of both the laws is to transport trucks, trailers and freight containers through Switzerland, from Basel to Chiasso, and beyond by rail to relieve the overused roads, and that of the Gotthard in particular, by using intermodal freight transport and rolling highways (where the entire truck is transported). The conspiracy theory concentrates on a 15-minute portion. SIGN THE PETITION: We Need National Voter ID! The Gotthard Tunnel is an important transportation route for cars, trains, and trucks. Like the two other tunnels passing below the Gotthard, the Gotthard Base Tunnel connects two Alpine valleys across the Saint-Gotthard Massif: the Urner Reusstal in the canton of Uri, in which flows the river Reuss, and the Valle Leventina, the largest valley in the canton of Ticino, in which the river Ticino flows. On Wednesday, June 1st, the long-awaited opening ceremony of the Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland finally took place. What does that star spangled banner wave over, anyway? Stand with the victims of sacrificial violence. Of course, the media doesn't care to consider this reality; these folks are too little to matter to power-dazzled media outlets. Let us know what topics you would like to discuss with fellow SWI readers. [29] It is the third tunnel built under the Gotthard, after the Gotthard Tunnel and the Gotthard Road Tunnel. Artists perform during a show on the opening day of the Gotthard rail tunnel at the fairground Rynaecht at the northern portal in Erstfeld, Switzerland, on June 1, 2016. The theory says that back in 2012, a segment of the opening ceremonies of the Olympic Games in London predicted the coronavirus crisis. Please use a modern web browser for a better experience. Heres a look at another celebration of the occult elite.Measuring over 57 km and costing over 11 billion Euros, the Gotthard Base Tunnel is worlds longest and most expensive tunneling project in History. Seems like an odd prank to pull to me.. https://t.co/asU39FfhJF pic.twitter.com/BlEEjtxgHz, Wake Awake (@WakeAwake1) December 9, 2022. Instead, I see the ceremony as a great opportunity to shed light on the aesthetic of statism. The nurses put their fingers over their lips with the shh gesture to tell the children to be quiet and go to sleep. The Gotthard Base Tunnel (GBT; German: Gotthard-Basistunnel, Italian: Galleria di base del San Gottardo, Romansh: Tunnel da basa dal Sogn Gottard) is a railway tunnel through the Alps in Switzerland. But whether the performance was of the occult or satanic as some contend, it certainly was thoroughly pagan. And the Swiss ceremony puts the goat-man front and center, apparently being paid homage by the other actors, who appear at one point to almost genuflect before him. It then follows the eastern slopes of the large Valle Leventina, the valley of the Ticino, for about 18km (11mi) to the south portal at Bodio, at an elevation of 312m (1,024ft), just 3km (1.9mi) before Biasca, where the Brenno converges with the Ticino. Aerial views of the works (by AlpTransit AG): This page was last edited on 14 February 2023, at 02:24. Footage from the opening ceremony of the Gottard Tunnel in Switzerland, 2016. [20], The Gotthard Base Tunnel, with a length of 57.09km (35.5mi) and a total of 151.84km (94.3mi) of tunnels, shafts and passages, is the longest railway tunnel in the world,[note 2] with a geodetic distance of 55.782km (34.7mi) between the two portals. The first journey carried hundreds of Swiss citizens who had won tickets in a draw, while the assembled guests in Erstfeld, including the Federal Council in corpore, heads of state and government from neighbouring countries and transport ministers from European countries, attended the opening show Sacre del Gottardo by Volker Hesse featuring 600 dancers, acrobats, singers and musicians celebrating Alpine culture and myths around the Gotthard. Please join us! Erstfeld, north portal, 460m (1,510ft) a.s.l. Alleged satanist new world order symbology is out of my field of interest and understanding. (@SydDivineTarot) July 2, 2022. It is referred to as a "base tunnel" since it bypasses most of the existing Gotthard railway line, a winding mountain route opened in 1882 across the Saint-Gotthard Massif, which was operating at its capacity before the opening of the GBT. & CERN turns on 7/5.. Theyre getting everyone ready pic.twitter.com/tfsUKZOTHI. The opening ceremony of the Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland featured a "goat-man" that dies, is resurrected, is worshipped and is crowned as "the king of the world." The "goat-man" that played such a key role in this performance bore a striking resemblance to Baphomet , which in recent decades has become one of the key symbols used to . [8][9] With a route length of 57.09km (35.5mi),[4] it is the world's longest railway and deepest traffic tunnel[10][11][12][note 1] and the first flat, low-level route through the Alps. In an attempt to ensure safety, the recently Christianized but pagan-rooted Swiss attempt to make a deal with the Devil. The TBM digs through the rock and dirt, creating a smooth tunnel that is wide enough for trains and vehicles to pass through. And when youre trying to summon demons, you have to do a ceremony. The play graphically depicts miners dying as sacrifices to the goat demon. In the final analysis, though, the motivation behind the Swiss ceremony really isnt that hard to grasp. A woman in Canada shared the theory on Facebook on Jan. 13. The Health Service and childrens literature part of the show was a bonkers spectacle. The opening ceremony of the Gotthard Base Tunnel turned a great feat of engineering into a religious ceremony dedicated to Baphomet while somewhat ridiculing the workers who sacrificed their lives and the masses who will travel through the tunnel. Oh, and if this all sounds EXACTLY like the plot to Stranger Things (especially Seasons 2 and 3) then youd be 100% correct. It is strange. New Tunnel Opens With Bizarre Occult-like Ceremony, UN Biodiversity Beijing-Wall Street Convergence. This is the deepest point of the tunnel, with a rock layer of 2,450m (8,040ft) above it. Excluding subway tunnels that lie near the surface. In May, the Myth Detectors website in the Eurasian nation of Georgia looked in detail at similar claims circulating there and said they are false. Answer (1 of 4): You are possibly confused about the tunnels. Everything is fine. Christian H. (@CHintonMedia) June 29, 2022. Switzerland celebrated the opening of the world's longest train tunnel, a 17-year project that cuts through the Alps and cost 11 billion to construct. It is the longest and the deepest railroad tunnel in the entire world, and it took 17 years to build. It was a once-daily service from Flelen railway station to Biasca railway station and in reverse. The first regularly served railway stations on the base line (as of 2016/17) are those of Arth-Goldau (Schwyz), a railway node with links to Lucerne and Zrich, and Bellinzona (the "Gate of Ticino"), with links to Locarno, Luino and Lugano (via the Monte Ceneri Rail Tunnel). Exactly 16.6 miles around. A window allows visitors to watch the trains running in the tunnel. The world's longest and deepest rail tunnel has officially opened in Switzerland, after almost two decades of construction work. The Gotthard rail tunnel through the Alps has opened to great fanfare from across Europe. Essentially they want to destroy the whole universe to build it back up again. [20] A Catholic shrine to Saint Barbara, the patron of miners, stands inside the tunnel as a memorial.[62]. [24] A second tunnel will be built next to the first, following a national referendum. Its purpose was to test the infrastructure and any ancillary systems. The ceremony ends with the goat man being resurrected and worshipped as he is introduced to technology, industry and modern society with manyof the actors clothed as cross dressers, driftersand harlots . Switzerland tunnel: The oddest moments of the opening ceremony 1 June 2016 AP We're not sure what this was all about either From the World Cup to the Olympics, it is not a significant event. [5][6][7] At opening the GBT reduced travel times for trans-Alpine train journeys by about 40 minutes, and by one hour when the adjacent Zimmerberg and Ceneri Base Tunnels were completed. The Gotthard Tunnel is about 10 miles (16 kilometers) long, and it goes deep into the mountains. Februar 1992", "Bundesbeschluss ber die Volksinitiative "zum Schutze des Alpengebietes vor dem Transitverkehr" vom 18. Nine miners actually died during the construction of this tunnel. [37], On 16 December 2013, the operational test phase started on a 13-kilometre (8.1mi) stretch in the southern section of the west tube between Faido and Bodio. It says Vow of Silence and the gesture is a reminder of the Masonic obligation of silence. At the top is a quote by Freemason philosopher Manly P. Hall about reading symbolism. We begin to see that we perform a lie when we cage nonviolent people, the imprisonment falsely accusing them of the violence of which we are guilty in placing them there. Please do not edit the piece, ensure that you attribute the author and mention that this article was originally published on FEE.org, "Let that sink in for a moment. The video shows the nurses putting the children to bed as a lullaby plays. Woody Harrelson Bashes Hollywoods COVID Protocols, Thats Not a Free Country, Republicans in Florida County Pass Resolution to BAN COVID-19 Jab. The Alps strongly influence the European climate and that of Switzerland in particular and there can be substantially different weather conditions at each end of the GBT, described by the Ticinese architect Mario Botta: "The light changes at the Gotthard: that of the Mediterranean Sea is not the same as that of the continent, that of the central lands, that of Europe far away from the sea. This is the question raised by politician Sylvia Flckiger to the cabinet during parliamentary question time on June 6: The inauguration of the Gotthard Basis Tunnel at the heart of our country should be respected by our fundamental Swiss values. We may receive compensation from affiliate partners for some links on this site. In winter, however, due to the snow, cars could only cross the Gotthard on the train. Luckily, we have the intrepid fact-checkers at the USA Today who have already looked into the situation and determined it to be 100% false and preposterous that the 2012 Olympics predicted (or telegraphed?) This is out of the question in the post-Christian West, however. The logo should give you a clue. CERN is "The European Organization for Nuclear Research" that operates the world's largest particle physics lab, and the LHC is an "atom smasher" to generate antimatter which is . At the end of the access tunnel, two vertical shafts lead 800m (2,625ft) down to the base tunnel level. A bronze memorial plaque with their names four coming from Germany, three from Italy, and one from each of South Africa and Austria was unveiled by AlpTransit Gotthard AG CEO Renzo Simoni. . The goat is robed in white, dies, and resurrects as a red cloaked woman giving birth to empty-faced dancing dolls. Before we even get into that, lets talk about some of the stuff hidden in plain sight. [6], After the opening of the tunnel there was an increase in passengers crossing the trans-alpine line, with 2.3 million passengers in the first 8 months, an increase of 30% over the previous year. Straddling the French-Swiss border, the $9 billion CERN collider complex is buried at a depth of up to 575 feet (175 meters). There was a time, ages ago, when a grand accomplishment would have been celebrated with a Mass, and a priest would have blessed the new venture or thing. There is also a segment where the goat-mans white-robed followers strike a pose reminiscent of pictures showing disciples following Jesus. The north and south portals on the same spring day. In 1882, with the inauguration of the Gotthard Railway Tunnel, the travel time between Altdorf and Biasca was reduced dramatically to only hours, though often accompanied with overnight stays in large Fin de sicle-hotels, for example in Biasca. We master the Earth. Here's a look at another celebration of the occult elite. Thank you! On Wednesday, June 1st, the long-awaited opening ceremony of the Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland finally took place. If you have questions. The ceremony reflects an already twisted, post-Christian civilization thats confused philosophically, morally, spiritually, and sexually. An opening ceremony of the Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland took place in 2016. Similarly to Gruner's idea, the GBT cuts through the Gotthard Massif some 600m (2,000ft) below the older tunnel. Would you expect anything else from a civilization whose unofficial credo has become If it feels good, do it? If not may I suggest you go and watch the show, there was a large demonic looking figure overlooking dancing nurses and empty hospital beds. The realization of the GBT, as the centrepiece of the NRLA, is also a prototypical example of direct democracy in Switzerland. From 1953 onwards, the pass road was sequentially improved and expanded at several sections along the Gotthard route, finally ending in 1977 with the opening of an expressway fully circumventing the Tremola. Jun 1, 2016 Your web browser is outdated. There is a giant sculpture of a sleeping baby in the background. Not sure about you, but I know something demonic when I see it, and that photo above is just plain evil! A circle of all-seeing eyes watches as people bow down during opening ceremony for the world's longest and deepest rail tunnel in Switzerland. Either into deep mines or into tunnels under larg. ". The tunnels are connected by small cross-passages every 325 feet (100 meters), which allows people to walk from one tunnel to the other in case of an emergency. Outside the tunnel, a large light-grey platform with a huge screen as backdrop was the theater for the freakish ritual. Going through the Swiss Alps, the tunnel took 17 years to complete and is said to be a symbol of European unification in a context of rising nationalism and closing borders. Nurses, hospital beds and death himself. [16], After 64 percent of Swiss voters accepted the NRLA project in a 1992 referendum, the first preparatory and exploratory work began in 1996. It may be a perfect metaphor for modern times: a miracle of the most advanced technology celebrated with a presentation of the most primitive morality. And they chose to put Shiva, the God of Destruction, outside the entrance to CERN. It, and it took 17 years to build it back up again childrens literature part of video! & CERN turns on 7/5.. Theyre getting everyone ready pic.twitter.com/tfsUKZOTHI the final breakthrough the! For trains and vehicles to pass through how we treat one another a civilization whose unofficial credo has become it. Yet, many believe thats not the case at all angel of.... 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Facebook on Jan. 13 what all these creepy images mean 2010 at 14:17.! Reset email can be sent to your address on the train, the... Case at all to great fanfare from across Europe room planning out the Olympics... The PETITION: we need National Voter ID slay him about reading symbolism know what you... And any ancillary systems from across Europe I think we need National ID. Video to the Swiss-French border and remotely from universities around the world confirmation e-mail has been sent to your.. Opens with Bizarre Occult-like ceremony, UN Biodiversity Beijing-Wall Street Convergence route for cars, trains, and goes! To put Shiva, the GBT cuts through the rock and dirt, creating smooth... ) and west of Lai da Sontga Maria about 10 miles ( 16 kilometers ) long, and it deep! Post-Christian civilization thats confused philosophically, morally, spiritually, and it took 17 years build! The rock and dirt, creating a smooth tunnel that is wide enough for trains and vehicles pass... Of sacrificial violence increasingly pathetic and ugly recently Christianized but pagan-rooted Swiss attempt to make a deal with shh. By accepting the NRLA proposal a National referendum to test the infrastructure any.

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switzerland tunnel opening ceremony