
thank you for your detailed and helpful explanation

#31 Thank you so much for the [ebook] you sent to me. Input your text below. ", Human understanding of the context. and Thanks for pointing that ou What is the difference between Thank you for the description. #39 Your email made a big impact on me when I read it, and the information that you attached was exactly what I needed. Hmmm I wonder why for a detailed_ is unnatural while for providing me with a detailed is natural. Thank you !! Refresh if you want to submit another email. I didnt realize there was so much going into this. Learn more about us here. #17 You have been a great support to me, and I am thankful for all the information you presented. #29 Your experience and knowledge as a [gardener], is invaluable. #20 Thank you for taking the time to send through the information I requested on [laptops]. #9 The information that you emailed to me was concise and to the point, and directed me to exactly where I needed to go. You may be emailing a teacher on your behalf or for the work they've done with your children. Honored Contributor III 03-01-2023 09:16 AM. Thank you. If you post a question after sending a gift to someone, your question will be displayed in a special section on that persons feed. What is the difference between Thanks for your pointing that out! #15 It has been a real pleasure working with you and I want to thank you for sending through the information I requested. 6x_1 - 8x_2 = 13 -9x_1 + 7x_2 = 0 A unique solution exists for the linear system. #1 The information that you attached to your email was a game-changer for me. Thank you so much, Loan! Is it grateful occasionally more used than thankful? The preferred version is "thank you for the clarification." It simply changes the verb form of "clarifying" into the noun form of "clarification." The phrases are synonymous, but it's more common to come across the noun form in some formal cases. Thank you for providing swift and detailed information on the above matters. It was very helpful. Thank you for telling me. The one learning a language! Thank you for being so helpful. This networking thank you email will ensure that anyone you're professionally involved with knows you value their help and support. I knew there was more to this than I was originally informed about. Does this sound natural? One of our experts will correct your English. Thank you for your detailed response and providing clarification to our preliminary queries Some examples from the web: Thank you, Commissioner, for your detailed response. Thank you! Thank you for giving an alternative! So it was weird for two reasons. Thank you for talking me through it is a great choice in many situations. 3. Solve your problems more easily with the app! The thank you email format is pretty simple and straightforward to learn.Essentially it follows the same format as any professional emails. But, again, you'll need to shape this to the person you're messaging, but this thank you for an introduction email sample is a great place to start. - used when you are veryyy grateful/thankful to someone. Thank you for everything. a) Thank you for your thoughtfulness. Thanks for the update. Clarifying is a verb, so no prepositions need to come after it in this context. If you want to know how to say thank you for the information in an email, youll need to know how to word it. Thank you for your response regarding our query or Thank you for your response about our query? #5 I nearly spent money that would have been ridiculous compared to what I was able to save with the information that you emailed me. Here is a quick example to help you with it: Thank you for the information is another great alternative. This requires detailing the following (not limited to this)- 1. infrastructure requirement 2. An internship is an opportunity to demonstrate to a company your value, so finish as you started, as a consummate pro! Thank you for giving me the rundown is a good way to show that youve been given information in a business context. They're saying thanks with a better job title and bigger pay packet, so use our thank you email for promotion to show you're happy. #15 Thank you kindly for your response to our request for information. You can say, " Thank you for your time," by writing a brief, personalized email that says something like, "Thank you so much for your assistance," or "I greatly appreciate the time you spent interviewing me.". In order to post your question we need your email to notify you when the response will be available. For example, you may want to thank someone for waiting for a delivery or a service. Thank you for explaining vs Thank you for the explanation Ask Question Asked 4 years, 8 months ago Modified 4 years, 8 months ago Viewed 56k times 0 What is the difference between the 2 expressions and which one is more commonly used? I appreciate your spirit of cooperation and information-sharing. It is OK to say thank you for the information. You do not need an alternative because the phrase already shows that you appreciate the information provided. Thank you for that. Setting your Language Level helps other users provide you with answers that aren't too complex or too simple. You can almost feel like giving up and saying: "I don't know how to say thank you." Thank you for letting me know is a slightly more informal phrase you can use. is a bit more natural. The information was fascinating and will allow us to make an informed decision. Thank you for the information. The purpose of this question is to encourage you to think critically about the material that you have learned and how it applies to your future studies or career. Thank you for the time you spent retrieving it. I am going to put the suggestions into practice and will start right away. Thank you for a detailed explanation is awkward because of the a I appreciated the interest you have taken in my own project and for sending through information on [specific plants]. If someone has gone out of their way to do something for you, it's only polite to say thanks and here's a sample thank you email for a job referral you can use., Anyone kind enough to provide a positive reference for you deserves thanks if you get the job. Can ask simple questions and can understand simple answers. Thank you so much. }; #8 The information you provided was both excellent and informative. I feel much more confident about the subject. Check this example out if you want more information: Thank you for clearing that up works well if weve already stated our confusion to someone over email. It shows that you have been given information that's helped you to understand something in a professional setting. Im thankful that you are, and I thank you for all the time you spent to write out that email to me. 100% (1 rating) First problem 6x1-8x2=13 -9x1+7x2=0 Hence, x1=7x2/9 Substituting in . Of course, this phrase only works if weve specifically asked for more information regarding a matter. and Thank you for the explanation. It shows that you plan on using the information in some way and have already decided how you might do that. Thank you for supporting me in [specific task]. What exactly does the word "cunk" mean to a British person? Its also common for people to extend the phrases. Thanks for be Could you please give some expression to use when comparing? It shows that you have been given information thats helped you to understand something in a professional setting. Satisfaction guaranteed! #2 It is uncommon to find someone as helpful as you have been. [News] Hey you! A unique solution does not exist for the linear . Here you can set your new address email. Means of record keeping (e.g. It's great that someone has accepted a job offer, so why not thank them? I'm so grateful for your help. #19 Thank you for sending me through the information regarding my [health concerns]. I wish I could find out about Textranch earlier. It was exactly what I needed. I had been feeling as though I was going around in circles, without making any progress. Our thank you email after a job rejection template strikes a positive note and aims to continue the connection you have. ? Thank you for saving me the hassle of learning things the hard way. Input your text below. Want to improve your English business writing? Enjoy the auto-translate feature when searching for answers. This helps to keep things unique from email to email. I owe you one for this. #12 You gave me exactly the information I needed and more. >>I cant really explain why the a sentence is unnatural, I dont know the technical reasons but it definitely feels unnatural I am more than willing to try something new and hope that it will make a difference. w.addEventListener("load", loader, false); Why wouldn't you want to say thank you? I havent thought about my next steps yet, but Im browsing to see what I can do. This example of a thank you email after an event is a valuable template that any attendee would be pleased to receive. 9 Likes, 2 Comments - Menghao Huang (@menghao.huang) on Instagram: "First time to dentist in USA. #14 Thanks to you and the information you forwarded, I have been able to complete the project I was working on. (a) I have a lot of work to turn in tomorrow. It is full of useful information which is entirely new to me. Here are 10 reasons, Are thank you emails necessary? Has difficulty understanding even short answers in this language. Please tell us why you want to close your account: Fast corrections and brief feedback from a human editor. Please accept my thanks for taking the time to get together all the information I needed, and for sending it through to me on such short notice. Show your appreciation in a way that likes and stamps can't. While we write the extensions in slightly different ways, the meanings are still identical (showing that clarifying and clarification are interchangeable): The only real difference is that clarification requires a preposition after it because its a noun form. Martin holds a Masters degree in Finance and International Business. You have helped me enormously, and I am very appreciative of your collaboration. Define the process of producing the videos 5. project the budget. I have one question though. We will take some time to consider it, and it will most definitely be a help to us in making an informed decision if we want to go down this route. There is nothing wrong with thank you for clarifying. Its already a suitable formal phrase that works well in emails. Thanks for explaining it. . This gives me more confidence that the context will be correct, which is hard to trust with auto-correction apps", A real person editor is much2 better than a software editor. Thank you for being a great example of leadership to me. In our thank you email for accepting a job offer, we use the opportunity to add extra details for the successful candidate, showing them that they're joining an organization that will value them. Thank you very much seems more formal than thank you so much, but they are basically the same. I'm truly grateful that you inform me that I'm no longer in the running. Today more than 1001 people got their English checked. What is the difference between I'm down for it and I'm up for it ? Writing a sincere thank you email can be as effective as a personal thank you. could you give an example? Mr President, thank you for this opportunity to explain my vote. Thank you for giving me the rundown. If weve emailed someone for more information, we can use that makes a lot more sense to show that theyve helped us understand more about something. what's the difference between "a bet" and "a betting"? I dont think you realize how important this information is. Thanks to you, I will be able to take the right approach decisively as I move forward. Thank you for your prompt response, even though it was an elementary question. Consider what you have learned from the module, any challenges that you faced, and . #2 I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to send the information pack you sent regarding [home loans]. @Kyle_Kaczorowski It works well because it shows that youve read and understood what they sent in the previous email. I thought text is edit by machine, but it's real editor.Stunning! Far better then the AI tools", This website is fantastic. Im glad you could trust me with this is a useful choice in many situations. Mr President, Commissioner Bolkestein, I would like to thank you for your detailed reply. Brief summary of the film, the main characters, and the plot of the film; include basic details of the film, such as name of the film, director, location, year . Hi there,Your product is simply amazing. Thank you for your time. Getting a job is tough, and if someone has recommended you, it's right to recognize that. + Read the full interview, Michel Vivas, Senior Technology Officer, TextRanch is amazingly responsive and really cares about the client. By sending a gift to someone, they will be more likely to answer your questions again! There is no cost to keep your TextRanch account, and we store all of your past revisions in a secure and private manner. A thank you for the opportunity email is another way of expressing gratitude for being considered for a role. I appreciate the information. It should work to help you to achieve your goals. Thank you for thinking of me. Show your appreciation in a way that likes and stamps can't. There are some great ways of replacing this phrase, and you might benefit from checking out one of the following:if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'grammarhow_com-box-3','ezslot_11',105,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-grammarhow_com-box-3-0'); The preferred version is thank you for the clarification. It simply changes the verb form of clarifying into the noun form of clarification. The phrases are synonymous, but its more common to come across the noun form in some formal cases. This was helpful indeed and opened several more options for us to consider. They're friends, after all. I always said Thank you so muc Can both sentences be used ? I appreciate you sharing this information. Thank you ever so much. Congratulations! ;)", So good. Privacy Policy(function (w, d) { It means a great deal to have your collaboration. Please click the link that we've sent to this address to post your question to our experts.Ok, I'll check my email. Best Choice In Formal Letters, 12 Better Ways to Say Thank You for the Reminder on Email, 10 Best Ways to Politely Ask for an Update in an Email, 9 Other Ways to Say Im Good At on a Resume, 10 Polite Ways to Say No Visitors after Surgery, 11 Best Ways to Say Im Here for You to a Loved One, 10 Professional Ways to Say I Am Not Feeling Well, Thank you for informing me. Thank you so much for sending it to me. ", I love how the editors make my work so much better. I'm sorry to trouble you, but it would be helpful if you could teach me. Love the feedback from the editor. 3. I appreciate the help with that. This information will come in handy is a slightly more informal phrase, but it works well. thank you for your explain 27,300 results on the web Some examples from the web: Thank you for your question, because it gives me the opportunity to explain myself. Thank you very much. Ill let Clarence know that we are going to move to the next phase. #18 Honest words mean a lot. Software licensing 3. no. 1 Solution sstrell. Wondering how to ask for a raise via email? This is purely a personal preference, though. It makes it easier not to have to read purely promotional material but an independent review of all the [companies and their packages]. Thanks for the info is a much more informal phrase. Thank you for sparing me the agony of defeat. Here is an example that might help you with it: I appreciate the help with that is a good way to show your acknowledgment and appreciation. How do you say this in French (France)? ? Display based on Specified Commercial Transactions Law. or do they both have the same importance? #22 Thank you for sending through more detailed information about [the courses] that you offer. Setting your Language Level helps other users provide you with answers that aren't too complex or too simple. "She works at a local company and does clerical work. Remember to use a valid email address. Thanks a lot is the most casual out of the three. I really needed it promptly, and you delivered it immediately. Note that we say thank you, not thanks you, and I don't advise using below (or above) before a noun. Want to learn how to end an email? Thanks a lot for editors. #30 A response from a true wordsmith. The key is to tailor these elements to fit your thank you email. Watch the video: Only 1 percent of our visitors get these 3 grammar questions right 10 Polite Ways To Say Just To Clarify (Professional Email), How to Write a Thank-You Email to a Professor (Examples), 12 Better Ways to Say Thank You for Letting Me Know, 11 Formal Ways to Say Thank You for the Update, 11 Better Ways to Say Much Appreciated in Email, 9 Other Ways to Say Im Good At on a Resume, 10 Polite Ways to Say No Visitors after Surgery, 11 Best Ways to Say Im Here for You to a Loved One, 10 Professional Ways to Say I Am Not Feeling Well, I appreciate you taking the time to update me. This thank you professor email sample is simple and can be edited and amended to include your personal messages of support. #25 Please accept my sincere thanks for your kindness in forwarding on to me the information I needed. Read more about Martin here. So someone shared a piece of information you'd asked for and took the time to find it and sent it to you. of professionals required and their profile 4. +1 The first is OK, but the others are unnatural. It helped me understand what I would be paying for and what the best option might be for me and for my family. #16 This was not simply a reply but an incredibly well-considered response. With this app, you can freely ask native speakers as many questions as you want! Thank you for talking me through it. This example should clear things up for you: I appreciate the clarification is a simple replacement for thank you for the clarification. I appreciate and thank you are synonymous in many cases. It shed a significant amount of light on the subject and was highly relevant. This thank on the last day of work email shows you how to maintain and improve your professional reputation when you leave a business. Martin holds a Masters degree in Finance and International Business. Please review and advise further to your approval or Please review and advice further to your approval? Thank you for providing such a detailed and thoughtful response. #20 I found the information you sent through to be invaluable. #11 Thank you for an inspiring response. I owe you one for this is an informal way to show that youll repay someone for the information they gave you. s.src = "https://cdn.iubenda.com/iubenda.js"; Flowrite turns your instructions into ready-to-send emails and messages across your browser. Thank You For The Clarification Only the user who asked this question will see who disagreed with this answer. Thanks for being with me. I had no idea there were so many opportunities out there. The dozens of thank you phrases, wordings, and examples you can find in this article will help you do just that. Can ask simple questions and can understand simple answers. Thank you for explaining further. Thank you. Than thanks a bunch is offensive? Your text is being reviewed by one of our Experts.We will notify you when your revision is ready. #6 The information you sent through about how to [manage my finances] was invaluable. Thanks for helping me get the materials I needed. Here are 15 thank you synonyms and alternatives everyone can use: These are just some of the ways you can say thank you without saying thanks. I love it! What is the difference between Thanks for your descriptions! The Language Level symbol shows a user's proficiency in the languages they're interested in. Both mean the same thing "Thank you for a detailed explanation" is awkward because of the "a" You should use "thank you for the detailed explanation" |@MooCat that sounds perfect! Thanks again for considering me. Please take a moment to pin this post to Pinterest. However, there are better alternatives out there that might benefit you. I really appreciate your help! Thank you for the time you put into getting back to me. #1 The information that you attached to your email was a game-changer for me. 1. . #4 Thank you so much for your response to my request for information. Its especially effective if you know the other party is quite busy. Here are seven ways to write "thank you for your understanding" in an email or other formal correspondence: 1. maybe thank you for the sounds natural when talking about specific thing Thank you for the information can also work well when someone has sent us an email without any prior questions. It has been interesting reading up on them all and was helpful of you. if (w.addEventListener) { Ill make sure to update the files accordingly. The next time you wonder how to send a thank you email, remember to keep it simple and get straight to the point. Please do not hesitate to ask. Replicating the same tone can help you feel confident your response sounds genuine. This thank you email for a job offer recognizes the value of the offer and presents a positive reply to your new employer. By the time you've done reading you've learned all ways to end an email you need to know. If we didn't meet your expectations, we'd really like to know more. and This is the best sushi What is the difference between progenitor, ancestor and forebear ? Its a good choice in many situations, but it works best when you want to keep things simple. i am thankful for your gift. #8 Thank you so much for sending me all the information about [healthy nutrition]. Thanks for the update. If you use emojis, keep to the standard types and only use one or two. This phrase works well to show your appreciation. I will use it later when I have the meeting with the higher-ups. I spend way more time in my life thinking like this. Some such explanation of the actual benefit you received can make the statement much more personal. grammar Share Improve this question Follow If you have got a reply from them, it could mean that youve wasted some of their work time, so this also works as an apology of sorts. #26 It was a great help to get the information you sent through about [purchasing a car]. Itll do so much for me. So it was weird for two reasons. 4.20) Thank you for the information email. #3 I didnt know about the dangers of what I was getting involved with until I went through the information you sent me. Some acceptable thank you email endings include: If you're still searching for some email ending inspiration, ourguide to email closing linesincludes 40 solid gold examples you can use for every situation including thank you emails. I wasnt aware that the new rules had already been put in place. Improve your English! In what situations is this phrase used? With pay packets as stretched as they are, a pay rise can mean a lot (here's our guide on how to ask for a raise), so be sure to say thanks. Its been eye-opening to read about such things in my office. Ill pass this information on once Ive looked into it more. I would be more than happy to return the favor any time I am given the opportunity. I will let you know when I have more information that will. Hopefully, he has some answers. Has difficulty understanding even short answers in this language. Saying thank you is an expression of gratitude. #12 It likely was not easy nor fast. Please show me example usage of the 2 expressions. To help you craft your own thank you email, consider these 18 example emails which employ a wide scope of approaches: Example 1 Dear Katy, Thank you so much for your feedback about my performance on our past project. Thank you for talking me through it. and the comments from the editors", My editor understood my intention and gave me a good advice !! Here's how, The easiest and simplest subject line for a thank you email is just to say: Thank you!, But, in the world of spam and more, simple subject lines can look like phishing attempts. Thanks for explaining works well when weve asked someone to help us with something. Asking for a raise email with samples and templates. ? I'm grateful for your help. Our guide to writing the perfect email asking for a raise will help you land the raise you deserve with the help of raise request email samples and templates. This thank you email to a recommender is a professional courtesy, but it also positively reflects you personally. Up for you: I appreciate the clarification I didnt know about the client to! A sincere thank you email for a job offer recognizes the value of the actual benefit you ''. 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thank you for your detailed and helpful explanation