
batman fanfiction bruce yells at tim

With Damian. Baby Damian and Cass get introduced into the Young Justice World toward the end. Damian has a post-ressurection PTSD induced panic attack/flashback and runs off before the fic starts, so Dick calls Jason to get him to help them find Damian. But this one is more recent and is about the whole fam going on a camping trip and Damian having a flashback and panic attack, and Bruce is there to comfort him. Alright, you don't outrank me yet so shut it and fuck up time and space or whatever it is you do., He gave one slow blink then held out his free arm for her to come in close enough for him to get a good hold on her. Lots of angst. All the Roofs of Uncertainty by Kieron_ODuibhir. Tim says something to Damian that he takes way wrong, thinking Tim is about to send him back to Ras and the League of Assassins, so he runs off to Jason. In the same universe as the previous work in this series, but you dont have to read that to know whats going on. Jason gets deaged, and the whole Batfamily bands together to deal with it. It just makes his morning worse. Sounds like the same plot as the story before, but they are very different stories. This weeks theme is fanfiction revolving around the relationship between Dick Grayson and Damian Wayne! Follows Jason after Bruce finds out about him and brings him home. Tim gets kidnapped as Tim Drake and has some awful flashbacks to being kidnapped as a child, way back when no one was around to notice. But he fixes it and is so sweet to her. Not long after, some jerkface at school (accidentally, if I remember, but while picking on him) pushes him down a flight of stairs, causing him to hit his head and require a hospital stay. Superman, Batman acknowledged. My fanart of the fanart Clark receives for some of his fanfics. After Batman kills him to save Joker, Jason eventually makes nice (enough) with his big brother. His neck?, Chapter 3: Bruce wants to send Jason to Arkham, Dick objects, Chapter 5: Jason has a hard conversation with Dick, OR four times Dick protected Jason and the one time Jason found out, Only a monster could hurt his own children. Warnings are in the tags, and I'll put in the notes what chapters they apply to. Chapter 10: "So, is it true he ain't Batman's sugar daddy?" Dick gets shot while at work as a cop, and Damian and Tim are the only two in town at the moment, so they have a nice little heart to heart in the waiting room. And if it is bad Gareth finished for her, softer than Hannah had heard his voice since Beatty, Then its not going to matter if were here or not., Freddie rolled her eyes. Dick had always been the golden child, well-beloved by his father and everyone else in Gotham, much to all three of his brother's disgust.but despite being overly kind, bruce was cruel when nobody was there, His brothers saw him as weak, and he was starting to get sick of the ignorance of the hero society.so what happens when a particular villain named slade wilson strikes up a proposal he never thought he would agree to?And what if it hurts those he really cares about? Chapter 1: Red vs. punz minecraft skin Batman fanfiction bruce yells at tim. I LOVE IT. On a fucking school night. Tim Drake was little more than a toddler when he attended the circus with his parents. In order to ease his wife's concerns that the circus might frighten Tim, Jack . Yes, maam. Actually I cant think of another ficthats done that. The knifes on the ground and the bodys in front of you and your face is stained with tears.. Tim woke up. Now people get scared when they laugh. Its the very first fanfic I ever read, and was so amazingly good (and not at all like what I thought fan fiction was) that I got sucked into this fandom and turned into a massive fangirl. Read to find out. Bruce kind of needs saving from the two kids now living under his roof. The man had a bit of sweat worked up, and if the sweat and heavy breathing didn't indicate his run over, the slightly flushed face really tied it together. Also one of the early fanfics I read. He starts to think Bruce is never coming for him, and has a breakdown over it. A series about Damian moving in with Tim while Bruce and Dick were bothdead and grew pretty close as a result. He wanted to do something nice for the memory of a boy they might still have in the manor. Thankfully, Barbara seemed to have a plan for this because Dick felt his hands tense when Bruce scanned the room and its inhabitants. batman fanfiction tim leaves the family ao3 league name requirements April 17, 2022 where did martin luther go to school 6:25 pm. Its incredible. This is about Bruce losing his memory and thinking hes five years younger, and dad to just a cute smol Jason and a Dick who hates him. Ive listened to it 4 or 5 times and read it once. Bruce and Tim are working on a case where this dude is using time travel, making the same day repeat over and over. ", (this wip mmmm, not sure if i wanna post it. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. After a moment of kindness, life continued on as though nothing had happened, until the entire world was watching, waiting for them to fall apart. Pay attention to the tags! Because I was gone?, Ive Forgotten The Chemistry of Your Company by ryoku, 45k+ | T+ | Complete | Gen | Graphic Depictions of Violence. Its heartbreaking and heartwarming all at the same time. Tiktoks that make me feral (Bruce Wayne as a good parent), Banes attack rocked Gotham, but the city is still standing under the protection of a new Batman. Its just Dick and Damian against the world now, and sometimes it seems like the world is just desperate for him to lose., 20k+ | T+ | Ongoing, 14/? While including DC's Batman being a writer's pet that they promote being an abusive individual. Bruce Wayne is a Good Parent. Despus de que algo saliera mal durante una misin, se revela que Robin es un Omega. (Also, your writing is really good. Instead, it's a typical patrol and a typical post-patrol bat-lecture. Somehow, they hadn't expected Batman to view the children he took into his care like that. Basically just go to audreycritters ao3 page and sort by Bruce & Damian and read them all. Following what would actually happen to a 8 year old when he got stuck in a largely unsupervised detention center. Or wasntTim was dead, but still not dead, but yes and no and- oh not now! Together, they are Red Robin and the Hood., 5 times Jason took care of Tim, and one time Tim took care of Jason by FluffyPuffySheeps, 10k+ | G | Ongoing, 5/6 | Gen | No Archive Warnings Apply, In which Tim may or may not gain a roommate, and Jason wishes this kid would have some sense of self- preservation, Brothers Through Thick and Thin by ArtistAtHeart1, Five times Jason was a good big brother and one time Tim was.. Duke Thomas is fine with being considered the Good Kid or The-one-with-common-sense. He doesnt realize Dick has taken it out of his arm yet. This is a first-person reader insert without the use of (Y/N). 22k+ | G | Complete | Gen | No Archive Warnings Apply, sad little orphan bruce travels to the future and meets the family hell have one day :) too bad he cant stay forever :(, The Till-Then From The Ever-Since by Kieron_ODuibhir, 84k+ | G | Ongoing, 29/? What did B say?, Thats the thing. This is about Bruce kind of realizing hes handling Damian all wrong and kind of coming to terms with the fact that his son is traumatized and needs more of him than hes been giving. Blue, bright and shining like the sky used to be. "The drive felt like forever and an instant. The book spins out of the pages of King's 85-issue run on Batman and will finish the Bat and the Cat's epic love story. Dick gets all jealous. Is my favorite. Jason breaks his leg pretty badly and gets trapped at the Manor for a while. Weve gotta move.. ), (i scrounged through multiple wip docs, but in the end I decided on this. Feel free to substitute any words (or just find them in other words like I did). The fic follows Dick in foster care and Batman working to get him back. As the third Robin in the Batman comics, he served as Batman's sidekick, and he is a superhero in his own right. Tim is new to the Team. Love this fic, I spent an hour tracking it down a few months ago I wanted to reread it so bad. But not everyone has been able to put him to rest. Click to Read More- - - >, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Alfred Pennyworth & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Bruce Wayne in the Watch Tower, Clark accidentally starts writing RPF and a new internet friend draws stuff for him. Five Times Bruce Regretted Not Telling Tim plus One Time It Didnt Matterby meyari. The drive to Arkham usually took somewhere between 40 minutes to an hour, depending on the night. Hes been told to go fuck himself before. Feel free to request a rec list topic in our askbox. Solace in the Strangest Placesby fishfingersandjellybabies. It has a happy ending, but plenty of angst along the way. . Welllllllllllll turns out Bruce figures out it was Tim, after the fact. Better at school, better at charming the elite at galas and parties. Tim is Bruces biological child, but is Damian? What will they wear? Alfred paused, and sighed. Predictably, he hoards orphans., 86k+ | G | Complete | Gen | No Archive Warnings Apply, Relationships: Dick & Damian, Bruce & Damian, Talia & Damian, Damian has been kept from his family all his life. The knife pushes thin along Dicks carotid artery, cupping the indent between neck and jawlineforcing him to angle his chin. His comm crackles to life. During a game of Top That Trauma, Dick reveals a bit too much about his childhood as Batmans son.Jason is protective of his brother and very, very mad at their father figure. I hope you all enjoy reading these as much as I did, and if you dont see a trope or relationship on this page feel free to ask me for it. In a wholesome, wonderful way. But that rascal Tim has other plans, and slowly pulls Jason back into the family. Hes feeling abandoned by both Dick and Bruce (who is out of town) and actually admits it. It was all he could do to ignore the green roaring in his ears, demanding he kill the man for touching his brother. Usually that would have meant something in the order of fire and explosion and probably at least one gunshot wound, but for once (as Tim said, sourly), it wasnt actually Jasons fault.. Tim wasnt sure how it happened. He proves to be a rather great leader. This is a White Collar x Batman crossover. Classic hurt/comfort. And Jason. Older Me said we were supposed to merge butWe didnt, Bruce finishes somberly. I actually wrote this today so.). Robins and Other Flightless Birdsby Ionaperidot, This story is about a Bruce from a universe where he truly works alone. Or: another "Author uses Jason to cathartically yell at Bruce" fic featuring "Alfred does not smell like roses either", 2021-12-31: minor edits to phrasing but not plot. When Dick is 17, his second father dies, and Dick has to take matters into his own hands to keep his family from crumbling completely. Loved it. His closest friends see it, his siblings see it, and even he saw it eventually. When he finds Batman injured one day, he hauls him back to safe place and tries to get ahold of Batmans allies. Tim curled up in a ball and shook with several, near-hyperventilating breaths. Feel free to sub if those don't appear in your WIP. The next second, someone yelled and a weight slammed into him.The familiar bang of a gun going off echoed in the bank. Dick has always had a way of making all of Jasons old wounds new again, and as Jason figures out, Dick is hardly in ideal form either. Reeling from the loss of Bruce, his identity as Robin and his trust in his family, Tim Drake sets out on a personal quest that will take him across the world to prove what he knows in his heart: that Bruce Wayne is alive. When he finds Batman injured one day, he hauls him back to safe place and tries to get ahold of Batman's allies. They think theyre ishmael and Isaac but really theyre just Tim and Damian, Bruces babies. He eyes the bottom then lifts his eyes to the partially standing alley walls that surround the area.We were supposed to merge right? Tim says hesitantly. Good conversation follows. Basically, Damian misses Dick and when Dick was Batman, and says just as much to Dick. There were people everywhere. Bruce is completely oblivious but gives the attention anyway. theres nothing in this world i wouldnt do by emavee, 34k+ | T+ | Ongoing, 10/13 | Gen | No Archive Warnings Apply, Relationships: Dick & Damian, Dick & Bruce, Dick & Tim & Jason & Damian, When Dick is 16, Talia al Ghul appears with a baby in her arms. This platform game is based off of the Tim Burton Batman movie of the 90's. 1 Character history 1. He really hopes Mrs Mac doesnt open the closet door before Mr Wayne phones him back., 54k+ | Not Rated | Complete | Gen | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Im sorry I killed you, Jay, Tim says. A lot. Damian pulls him out of the river he falls into and brings him to the hospital, where he comes to terms with the fact that his brother is really hurt. But those plans change when a snowstorm cancels their flight and leaves the boys stranded in Chicago, alone. The more sleep they could shove in him, the better, like hiding vegetables in a kids mac and cheese. So they just assume Bruce beats him or something and the rest of his family is just terrible. Hi y'all! Also with League Jason for good measure. | Gen | No Archive Warnings Apply, Relationships: Dick & Damian, Dick & Jason, Jason & Jason, Dick & Tim, Jason & Damian, Batman & Robin, Dick & Jason & Tim & Damian, Bruce & Dick & Jason & Tim & Damian, Stephanie & Dick, Tim & Tim. Tim is having a bad morning. Yes I know its late, blame the disparity of Cass-centric fics out there. If making a good impression wasn't hard enough, he has to deal with Conner's animosity towards him for "replacing" Jason Todd, his closest friend. He spends the night and learns quite a bit about his older brother, whom at that point hes spent no time with ever. :). A super realistic fic following Bruce leading up to and then post-surgery. Along with his faithful servant, his crew consists of a draft dodger, a felon, a space pirate, a spy, and a weapon who obeys any command he's given. How will she hide her secret if the boy who comes to live with her is a master detective. Tommy plucked the picture of Dick, aged ten, from the album, tucking the wallet back into his pocket. Most of these involve most of the Batfamily being less-than-good, but a few are centered on just one member or two. de - Das Fanfiction Archiv.Batman and. The majority of these problems can be traced back to Bruce Wayne. Jason still has to deal with some of his problems, like the Joker not being dead, but its a heartwarming fic. Bruce gets tired of waiting for his boyfriend to stop playing hero and take care of himself. Well.there could be worse company., 1k+ | G | Complete | Gen | No Archive Warnings Apply, Hey, he says, voice rough and quiet. Jason asked, jerking a thumb in Bruce's direction and effectively making him choke on his coffee. He doesn't consider himself a good guy anymore, but sometimes when his adoptive brother seeks out to him for help he just can't say no to him. Hes fine with the fact that the majority of his family doesnt really know him. I was tagged by @winterandwords for this tag game so here I go. Batkids? While listening to it (at work, mind you!) Jason has to deal with all his demons at once, realizing Bruce replaced him, etc. Also kind of has an open ending. Is the smart ex-Robin really okay? Has good-brother Tim. Make sure you know what youve lost and never known.. Ella Enchanted style-fic. Ghosts that we Knewby fishfingersandjellybabies. 7k+ | G | Complete | Gen | No Archive Warnings Apply, Instead of beginning his adoption spree with Dick, it is Cass who lands on Bruces radarand in his homefirst., 1k+ | T+ | Complete | Gen | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Relationships: Bruce & Cass, Cass & David Cain, "Youre fourteen and theres blood on your hands. or: how tim drake finds common ground with jason toddthe ground of a warehouse, that isand bonds over it., how to hide a stray resurrected superhero from your parents/parental figures by drakefeathers, 12k+ | G | Complete | Gen | No Archive Warnings Apply, Tim is about 95% sure the boy he found on the streets and brought home is a zombie Jason Todd. ". Its about Tim going missing and ending up as the main character ofWhite Collar,a dude who steals artwork and replaces them with fakes but got caught by the FBI so now he works for them. I enjoyed compiling this list, and I didnt have look far beyond my own bookmarks to find these ten stories, so I can wholeheartedly promote each of them. Damian is sick while on patrol, and Jason notices and freaks out, sending him home. Get through before it closes, will ya? Anita asks from behind him, voice stern, yet filled with something almost like concern, something like exhaustion, definitely something like grief. He gently brushes his hand against Jasons shoulder the most he can currently bring himself to do. I'm going to tag a few names from my most recent notifications in case you feel like playing: @phoenix-the-storm-fox ; @magicalmysmalin ; @faelanvance. A collection of unconnected Joker Junior snippets that are too short or too open-ended to post on their own. This is my favorite talon fic. Basically, due to the Blockbuster incident. On that note, another disclaimer that there are some fics here I havent read, sadly. I think this is the one where Damian is Dicks robin, so this is really his chance to spend time with his dad. Tim can see him, sometimes, and its just fabulous. It has been two years since Richard (Dick Grayson) was taken in by Bruce Wayne, found out that he was, in fact, the Dark Knight of Gotham, Batman, and became his crime-fighting partner known to the public as Robin, the Boy Wonder. Put. Jason clenched his hands into fists. Either way, this was NOT how hed planned on spending his night., 15k+ | T+ | Complete | Gen | No Archive Warnings Apply, Relationships: Tim & Jason, Tim & Damian, Tim & Bruce, Damian & Bruce, Let me see if I understand this correctly. Not now the Joker not being dead, but plenty of angst along the way jason asked, a! Angst along the way and says just as much to Dick Dick has taken it out of town and! Might still have in the end the same day repeat over and over this wip mmmm, not if! 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batman fanfiction bruce yells at tim