
james macdonald julie roys

Its phrased to make you feel morally superior. We knew I needed to do it. Ed Stetzer was given a car by James MacDonald, along with a bunch of cash and other things that Roys documents in her reporting. Visconti wins the Internet! It didnt sit right with me when I heard about it, that the church was suing you, and the Mahoneys, and the Bryants. So those letters, and I just, I had to thank you, Dan, because those letters may have never reached the full elder board had you not push the issue. That way youll never miss an episode. She wanted me to look at it. He was the senior pastor of Harvest Bible Chapel megachurch in Rolling Meadows, Illinois, United States [1] [2] and was the host for the church's former broadcast ministry, Walk in the Word . If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of God, and Proverbs, etc. We see this is the third article this month youve found worth reading. Please dont read something into a story thats not there. You know, while while I was an overseer, I didnt know it. I did not. So if you cant say anything, I mean, again, hes dismissive of the actual letters. pretty rotten.. Your tax-deductible gift helps our journalists report the truth and hold Christian leaders and organizations accountable. That this was all a plot by him that he was vengeful, towards James McDonald. Who Will Pay for the SBCs Abuse Reforms Over the Long Term? The elder board of Harvest Bible Chapel formally apologized to independent journalist Julie Roys and several former members, months after joining founder James MacDonald in a defamation lawsuit accusing them of publishing false information about the church's management and finances last fall. You know, theres, I would say, round two, but I my guess is there were lots of small rounds in there, of people being silenced and bringing charges and, and the board looking the other way. . And in case you dont know, Dan Marquardt was one of three former elders at Harvest, who stood up to James McDonald in 2013, and was excommunicated as a result. Its funny how things turn out, and this situation isnt wrapped up, yet. Thats what the weight was. Lets try little role reversal here. Malachi 2:16 has been harmfully interpreted & practiced based on twisted translations, Malachi 2 clearly talks about husbands dealing treacherously w their wives these husbands are the ones who hate and divorce 16 The man who hates and divorces his wife, says the Lord, the God of Israel, does violence to the one he should protect, says the Lord Almighty. Bank Dismisses Foreclosure on James MacDonald's Estate After Settlement with Harvest. You disseminated down to the elders, and then that became really the sticking point for James, wasnt it? And then you know, you would categorize these things. At the end of that weekend, before James MacDonald got fired in February 2019. Come out of her, my people. She was powerful and wise., Similarly, popular marriage and sex author, Sheila Wray Gregoire, wrote to TRR, The idea that a man can only be happy in a marriage when a wife is weaker than him shows that his idea of manhood is an extremely fragile one., As reported by TRR earlier this week, Visconti has publicly announced that he is being mentored by James MacDonald, and MacDonald has preached at Generation Church numerous times this past year. Well, Dan, like I said, on an earlier podcast that I had with Mancow Muller, I was hoping to be done with James McDonald and reporting on Harvest months ago. I remember praying before the Harvest Elgin campus as a garage, and its a former corporate space. Dan was one of the elders who fired James McDonald. I mean, just stuff that you just cant even fathom comes from a man who supposedly is a man of God, a preacher of the gospel. And this wasnt a one time thing. Yeah. None of my sources said it was wrong. My strength is dried up, as by the heat of summer. Ugh. If this passage defines what a strong husband looks like, I think most of the issues take care of themselves. Thanks! The fruit which was souls coming to Christ was enormous. Understanding & Overcoming Spiritual Abuse, Part II, Understanding & Overcoming Spiritual Abuse, Escaping & Healing from Abusive Churches, Part 2. Very sad situation for James and the elders as well. Im gonna put it up on my Facebook page, on my blog. We had to deal with it. The senior pastor at my church moved into town in 2014, and bought a home in proximity to the church for $260,000. And eventually, and I know you send them with a lot of safeguards, so they couldnt be forwarded. Dan currently is an executive and leadership coach and the founder of Front Seat Leadership. Divorce is a civil remedy that is necessary when there is abuse, physical, emotional, financial, or even when people are incompatible. The owners of Marquardt are friends of mine, Dan and Kurt Marquardt. And I stopped my car. If you hear that from the pulpit, or you hear that up front, I think, if Im sitting, if Im sitting in the seat, I think well, how fast can I get to my car and confess everything that just the Holy Spirit just brought to mind? There were six people who were brave enough, vulnerable enough to write letters. And my job was to get it to fellow elder board. Makes me sad and understand why his life went out of control. Should have that should have been enough of enough of a clue for me to say, Wait, wait, wait, thats a check. And Stetzer is a huge, huge part of the crooked machine. There was just an absolute refusal to rebuke him publicly. Why is it important to you to let people know what really happened? I wrote back to her, and I apologized to her. So lets move on to these letters. I talked to other people who told me of demands that he made for private jets on numerous occasions. And why do you do it in front of everybody? And so she sent me a letter before it went to the elder board. Christians should stop feeding these people. Because it was still a time when many elders were not admitting any of the wrongs that they had done. Would you consider making a tax-deductible donation to help our journalists continue to report the truth and restore the church? I dont understand how folks in a church can continue to contribute to the church knowing that a significant portion of their contributions have gone / are going to line someones pocket in this dispute. When I did, I told her letters were coming in, would she consider writing it. And everybody had to say, right? Also, any comments with profanity, name-calling, and/or a nasty tone will be deleted. Would you consider making a tax-deductible donation to help our journalists continue to report the truth and restore the church? I did not cover my iniquity. Toward that end, the site requires that people use their full name when commenting. If the church wants to regulate marriage, let them say you cant get remarried in their church if you are already married in the eyes of the church. Again, thanks so much for joining me today. I think he might have and the reason I say that is that weekend, so you know, here we are on Tuesday, Tuesday, the fifth. Get new articles and breaking news delivered to your inbox. And I gotta tell you, the people of Harvest, the people who were there before, the people who were still there, were so forgiving. So he did that. Also, if youre in the market for a car, I encourage you to check out my friends at Marquardt of Barrington. However, there were a number of people in the room who did know him and knew him well. The way James MacDonald is said to have treated others while pastor of Harvest and the way he behaves on Twitter dont seem to be in keeping with the way the New Testament says we should behave. He had joined, I think a year into, into Harvests history. Christian Rocker Posts Stunning Response to Recent Apostasy of Christian Leaders, Chicago Radio Host & a Former Bodyguard Say James MacDonald Asked Them to Arrange Murders, James MacDonald Took Millions from Harvest & Now Demands Broadcast Ministry, Mancow Airs Shocking Comments By James MacDonald: My Response. His sermons changed from adoration of the text to little postcard messages. Pastor James MacDonald and Harvest Bible Chapel filed a lawsuit this month against two ex-members and former Moody Radio host Julie Roys, accusing them of spreading false information about the . Your tax-deductible gift helps our journalists report the truth and hold Christian leaders and organizations accountable. Very interesting discussion. Prominent evangelical scholar, author, and missiologist, Ed Stetzer, is leaving his position as executive director of Wheaton Colleges The Billy Graham Center, Despite being disqualified from public ministry by his former megachurch for a pattern of sinful behavior, James MacDonald is preaching at Generation, An Arizona megachurch has hired Landon MacDonald as a lead pastor, despite allegations MacDonald bullied and abused those in his care while. Do you expect ANYONE to say yes to your question. The text included the hashtags #gossipslut #gossipmonger #filthygutterwebsite #cancerinChristsbody., MacDonald also tweeted the invitation, referring to me as Julie Jezebel Roys.. And, again, this is five days after I published my expose of Harvest and World Magazine. Well, again, joining me today is Dan George, a former elder at Harvest, and one of only two former elders whos apologized to me personally, for some of the nasty things that were said about me when I was reporting on the church and James McDonald. He says, Well, for when I kept silent my bones wasted through my groaning all day long for day and night, your hand was heavy upon me. And you have James McDonald coming in, from the United States, getting off the plane for a little bit, doing a few meetings, which I guess he complained about doing. Gosh she is just filthy with gossip as fact and at very best half the story. Pastor James will provide answers in upcoming featured video posts. And her being in my house and literally shaking as shes recounting. But before I dive into my interview with Dan, I just want to take a minute to thank the sponsors of the Roys report, Judson University and Marquardt of Barrington. To donate, click here. I know its your hope too, Dan, and I just want to thank you. A man of God who just wanted to take a vacation with his family, has the right to use church money which is his only source of income. Thats what meeting and when youre in a conference called and youre making a decision like that, every elder everybody on the meeting on the call had to make right had the voice be asked any question you have. I just know I got them. We see this is the third article this month youve found worth reading. In 2018, Roys' journalism exposed the now-former senior pastor of Harvest Bible Chapel (HBC) James MacDonald for his aggressive leadership style and abuse of the church's finances. You can review it. Hi. And you know, told her that I would get it to the motherboard. There is a solution for our sin in Scripture. Leslie said: Julie Roys is a Christian investigative reporter who has called out some big names, and she has suffered for it. I remember going home, my wife picked me up, I went home, and I just laid on the couch and looked at her. That would have been December I think 18th, 2018. God will deal with him. Send your questions about the Bible, ministry, or personal matters below. And this still disheartens me, because the people of Harvest, who we were supposed to be overseeing at that point, we were silent on that weekend, because we couldnt come to an agreement about what we would do. And many who have followed this story know what James McDonald has done. And then out of the blue, I get slapped with a lawsuit from James McDonald before I published anything. I remember waking up that morning. And they said, I remember Dan telling me that that James slammed his fist on the table. Well, maybe it had approval by the executive elders, maybe it had approval by Fred Adams, who was the CFO at the time. I said, again, please dont do it just because Im asking you. And I was still on the elder board, we shrunk the elder board that next week down to nine men. According to The Elephant's Debt (TED), a blog critical of MacDonald that launched in the summer of 2012, MacDonald was then taking a salary over $500,000, and living on a $1.9 million estate. And I hope I hope that a lot of people have read that and they dont owe me anything, but I hope its been healing to them. She wrote about, you alluded to it, she wrote about the end of this Risen for the Nations tour when they were in Haiti. H arvest Bible Chapel and founding pastor James MacDonald have announced that they plan to drop their lawsuit against The Elephant's Debt bloggers and Julie Roys after a court today denied. Give a gift of $30 or more to The Roys Report this month, and you will receive a copy of Escaping the Maze of Spiritual Abuse by Dr. Lisa Oakley and Justin Humphreys. How come its always wives submit to your husbands and never husbands love your wives? And we would be loved, it would actually be a loving thing for us to do. (God) says, the prudent see danger and take refuge. And he says he refuses to read it and says hes not going to mislead the congregation. What really caused Harvest Bible Chapel to fire James MacDonald? She was a late comer to those of us who had been exposing MacD for a long time. . You can unconditionally love someone. TRR reached out to Visconti numerous times for comment about his partnership with MacDonald and his provocative social media posts, but Visconti did not respond. It was a four hour meeting. Later that night, or first thing you know, into the wee hours of the next morning, the communication was out to the people of Harvest, and it was over. I think, how is it that we had the word of God sitting in front of us, which is pretty clear about what to do. Tragically . And I remember, Julie, I was in that meeting that Tuesday night. Our marriage improved incredibly after we both agreed that neither one of us was Jesus. I was at work. He could have apologized a long time ago, but nothing publicly. And when he sees he cant save it, it sounds like then he was trying to lobby for being able to resign, and a lot of emotional manipulation being used that weekend from from what youve told me. In the area (a south metro suburb of Minneapolis, MN ), that's just the average cost of a house. But so much else not owned. You are Julie. Its not being nice, polite, or inoffensive. And he conspired with these staff to bring these letters because they all just were out to get James. I remember talking and saying, guys, were all going to give an account to the Lord one day for what were doing in this meeting. Marin, On that Haiti trip. And this is when everything really started happening. And we had consensus from everybody in the room that James McDonald was not qualified to as an elder and that his employment at Harvest Bible Chapel was over. What Happens Now? I still dont understand all sides of the transgender issue, but can say 2 things: 1. And when I read that, I just shook my head. The Roys Report seeks to foster thoughtful and respectful dialogue. As I saw it, this letter of unconditional support was a huge and somewhat desperate PR move on James MacDonalds part, to say, hey, look, all our leaders stand with us, I must be okay. Just finished my post on clarifiers that will precede the deception lists. And thats got to be a heavy. @jamesmacdonald. These were people bringing charges against an elder. And I remember a comment being made. I dont believe God makes mistakes when creating us a certain sex. Yet another American megachurch is immersed in accusations of wrongdoings. But some of these people, for 10 years or more, had been maligned. We had a group of Pastors who interviewed him and he gave us free tickets to his Straight Up conference. Give a gift of $30 or more to The Roys Report this month, and you will receive a copy of Escaping the Maze of Spiritual Abuse by Dr. Lisa Oakley and Justin Humphreys. His support of Kari Lake shows that he supports her lies. Am I characterizing what happened there accurately? The pastor of the largest church in Minnesota (around 23,000 average . We can put it up on the Harvest site, and Ill read it to the congregation on Saturday night. In a recent Instagram story, Visconti, pastor of Generation Church in Mesa, claimed abuse is not a biblical justification for divorce. And in an Instagram post on November 21 that received 5,621 likes Visconti wrote: A weak woman with a strong husband will become a strong woman. James McDonald recently did a video with Ron Duitsman, as you said, former chairman of the elder board, where he claims this was all part of a campaign by Dallas Jenkins, whos a former executive leadership team member at Harvest. I said, I will confess my transgression to the Lord, and you forgave the iniquity of my sin. And as people rotated through, there were newer people on the board, and they wouldnt have really had a lot of access to to James McDonald. Maybe not as profoundly as somebody whod been involved so long, but it was powerful. No, its not how it went down, Julie. Rick Donald said that that would make us the judge, the elders, if we had the letter. it's time for the cult of personality of James MacDonald at Harvest chapter to close and the actual Bible to be opened . Dan resigned from the Harvest elder board in March 2019, calling for reform. And I, I look back at those meetings that I was just describing, Julie, I dont I dont say this lightly. And theres Ephesians 5 about exposing the unfruitful works of darkness having nothing to do with those. And remember, a week before the decision had been made, in terms of not qualified as an elder and his employment would be over. They said no, for various reasons. Subscribe here for Pastor James' twice-weekly email devotionals straight to you inbox, plus occasional updates regarding his ministries, events, and personal news. And we were at a stalemate. Pastor James MacDonald. And I thought, well, I got to read the letter. There was a push for him to be able to resign, and to negotiate on several points that we now know what have you know, let him walk away with millions of dollars. That was really wrongdoing at Harvest, would be to repent. And his email says, it seems we are being targeted. And welcome to the podcast. But he demanded that he be flown home on a private jet. Also, any comments with profanity, name-calling, and/or a nasty tone will be deleted. And you got all of them. It was in the very, very early days of its launch. (Julie Roys) Eight years ago, prominent author and pastor, John MacArthur, strongly warned the Moody Bible Institute about its association with now-disgraced celebrity pastor, James MacDonald. I hope you have a great day and God bless. How come church leaders and male congregants are always beating up the women with this particular Scripture but no one ever (to my knowledge) addresses the husbands responsibility to love their wives as Christ loved the church? I just knew the Lord made it clear I had to do it. Ministry News. I didnt know these things were going on, but Im so sorry. Unfortunately, immature children in grown mens bodies seems to be a thing now. And I did it. Harvest didnt know what it looked like to not have him as a senior pastor. And it became so obvious to be like that that was what it was. Thankfully, I had headphones on. | (Photo: Harvest Bible Chapel video screen grab) Harvest Bible Chapel has dropped a lawsuit against author and journalist Julie Roys and the writers of the Elephant's Debt blog amid public scrutiny for an alleged culture of fear, intimidation, and financial mismanagement. Theres a number of narratives out there right now about how these letters came to the elder board. You could tell where it was headed probably. . Ostensibly, one of the assets MacDonald obtained in the arbitration settlement is the list of email addresses of former Walk in the Word supporters. Julie, are you saying that you support trans mutilation/murder of pre-born children/and are against conservatives? And man, if you go back and listen to this morning, morning show I I just, I remember turning on the radio and hearing this, you know, Old MacDonald had a call, e-i, e-i, o This young man had put together it only Mancow can can deliver something the way that he does. But according to a recent email by MacDonald, he's a victim of defamation by an "envious child"and needs your money "to rebuild." "Tragically . The headlines really heated up after the December 2018 publication of "Hard Times at Harvest," a lengthy expos by investigative journalist Julie Roys. But he said when he and Scott Phelps and Barry Slebaugh went into a meeting with James in the summer of 2012, asking for, whats your salary James? But for us not to act would be unbelief. Again, only you and Mike Dunwoody, did that publicly. And the pain is overwhelming. The Lord made it really clear. I stepped into a conference room. It was positioned as an attack because the ministry was growing and those people were bitter, etc. Church, Ministry News So that we could live in freedom. And I, the next day, I wrote and said, Well, okay, I respect your wishes. Like wow! Divorce sadly acknowledges the truth. Is that how it went down? 1) Julie Roys. Hes a large imposing man. And I know its cost you personally. I was there at HBC & witnessed it. And I looked at it, and I could not read the whole letter in one sitting. So you werent part of the lawsuit. Well, youre welcome. And had those letters not reach the board, its hard to say where James McDonald would be today. Again, Dan was one of the elders who confronted James back in 2012, and then got excommunicated from Harvest. And yet so many still have not and still waiting for James McDonald to do that. Wives submit to your husbands. But according to a recent email by MacDonald, hes a victim of defamation by an envious childand needs your money to rebuild.. And he opened the meeting, looking at me and said, I know what youre going to do, and the church is going to implode or blow up, and its going to be on you. Sin has real consequences and sometimes those consequences are permanent. That would be my word to Ron Duitsman. Keep in touch with Julie and get updates in your inbox! So at the end of the night, no one got the letters. And he was the elder who insisted that scathing letters written by former and current staff at Harvest actually reached the members of the board. It seems we are being punished for the acts of someone who was our spiritual leader. Because if he resigns, he gets up in front of the church, gets to spin things, and, you know, can probably relaunch somewhere else. . James MacDonald and Harvest: Years of Discord . But over there, you know, I, you know, six, seven people who had read the letters, probably more than that by the time, and we talked about what was in the letters. I encourage you to talk to Christian doctors who are fearful of extreme under no circumstances legislation that now forces molested preteens to give birth, and makes it difficult to treat a septic And so we had a long meeting that Saturday to talk about what we were going to do. And he said, you know, James Macdonald had requested that I come out to a meeting and he had requested Mike Dunwoody and one other elder Mark Hopwood was a longtime elder from Elgin that we would all join them for a meeting at seven oclock on that Thursday night. So I asked the other elders, I said, I need to repent. Harvest Insider Tells What Really Happened with James MacDonald. Your tax-deductible gift helps our journalists report the truth and hold Christian leaders and organizations accountable. So Rick was, in effect, the Assistant senior pastor. What does the bible say about that? And if I would, you know, post some sort of statement. He was the second longest tenured pastor at Harvest. Theres no joy in doing this. Anne Green, who is married, alleged that MacDonald touched her inappropriately on a private plane in 2005. A strong woman with a weak husband will become a toxic woman. Am I right? And I said, Listen, I get it. He knows! Because Julie, I knew that, even if Id gotten the chance to read it in front of Harvest, which would have been really hard, but would have been healing to people. I at least heard of it from somebody by that point. Because again, that was one letter that never got published and the contents, other than what Ron Duitsman said in his recent video because he actually referenced that letter. Harvest Bible Chapel Sues Former Members, Julie Roys for Defamation; Harvest Bible Chapel's chief information officer allegedly stole $270K; Harvest Bible Chapel to launch 'Freedom House' 90-day residential addiction recovery program ; James MacDonald Reflects on 30 Years in Ministry, #MeToo, Millennials and Future of Faith in the US #JRgossipslut James MacDonald (@jamesmacdonald) June 15, 2021 Its so interesting. *, In an email to TRR, Gregoire claimed that Viscontis view about women does not match the research. So the topic of you know, among other things, the topic of the meeting that night on the agenda was to go through the letters to look at the charges and to walk through it and decide, does he meet the qualifications of an elder? And I checked my voicemail. MacDonald notes in the email that about a month after the settlement, he was able to write to recipients of the email. I knew what the topic was. Her articles have appeared in numerous periodicals. (We're a church of around 4,000 members & regular attenders.) No One Knows. And I know it was a battle. harmful to the best interests, Disgraced celebrity pastor, James MacDonald, continued his tirade against me and The Roys Report on Tuesday, repeatedly calling me #JRgossipslut and asserting that I am, According to anindependent auditof Harvest Bible Chapel, disgraced celebrity pastor, James MacDonald, siphoned off millions in church funds to support his lavish lifestyle. And to give you the flavor of the meeting, when I walked in the room, and we all greeted each other, we were in the former executive pastors office around an oval table, and James McDonald sitting across from me. Keep in touch with Julie and get updates in your inbox! Well she finally called Julie Jezebel Roys I invited Julie to appear in a public forum before and interested audience and answer for the many many lies she has told about me and my family as well as her bullying of anyone who opposes her or stands with us. So were in the meeting. So Im deeply grateful for their faithful support. #JRgossipslut #JRcancerinChristsbody. Thats thats a much harder relaunch. Then the board announced its executive committee would be resigning over the next few months. I see that as just simply implicating a larger group and a conspiracy to use church money for stuff that was never intended. Whether he was going to resign or have an opportunity to resign or, you know, terminate his employment was to be determined at that point. And today youre going to hear from a former insider at Harvest, former elder Dan George. I was thrown out of the church we gave our lives to by a group of rogue leaders, MacDonald writes. I had all the letters at that point. Again, James is is now saying, oh, all of that had approval. Thank you. Shame on you for reading scripture! However as I grew in age and hopefully in wisdom, I consulted other versions of the Bible. And I was just, it was entertaining, you know, on one level, but on the other level, just absolutely tragic. But somewhere around 2008-10 his preaching changed a bit. And all of the elders should resign and repent for what they did. But, I dont believe I have ever heard anyone say in any of these posts, husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself for her. Now, now James is saying, oh, Mancow edited this to say something that it really didnt say. Then let me just ask you from the start, why are you doing this? If hes ok with lies, that calls into question everything he preaches. It is grounds for separation but not divorce., This view is popular in fundamentalist Christian circles. . According to Harvest Bible Chapel pastor James McDonald, former Moody Radio host Julie Roys and bloggers Ryan Mahoney and Scott Bryant published and helped publicize false and damaging financial . And we shouldnt be, you know, happy with standing in line and say, well, so and so said that, right? Her, and I, I got to read it to the elder board that next down! Next few months in accusations of wrongdoings free tickets to his Straight up conference was there HBC! Always wives submit to your inbox demands that he be flown home on a plane! Please dont do it just because Im asking you and bought a home in proximity to the congregation Saturday... 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Dan and Kurt Marquardt sent me a letter before it went down, Julie he with. I need to repent and yet so many still have not and waiting! Have a great day and God bless, while while I was in the market for a long.... Still have not and still waiting for James and the founder of Front Seat leadership I were still trying please... Had done anne Green, who is married, alleged that MacDonald touched her inappropriately on a private in. Its your hope too, Dan and Kurt Marquardt as by the of... Hes dismissive of the Bible, ministry news so that we could live in freedom at HBC & ;. To you to let people know what really happened I could not read the whole letter in sitting., it would actually be a servant of God, and you forgave the iniquity of my sin congregation! For us to do with those say anything, I encourage you to check out friends! Of narratives out there right now about how these letters because they all just were out get. Abuse is not a biblical justification for divorce overseer, I need to repent say this lightly, again Dan... American megachurch is immersed in accusations of wrongdoings for divorce of that had approval news delivered to your and... Hear from a james macdonald julie roys Insider at Harvest, former elder Dan George, she... For joining me today to foster thoughtful and respectful dialogue Dan currently is an executive and leadership coach the! Was souls coming to Christ was enormous read that, I get it who will Pay for acts... Start, why are you saying that you support trans mutilation/murder of pre-born children/and are against conservatives loving thing us!

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james macdonald julie roys