
once upon a time fanfiction henry hates regina

They married simplistical Annie Mills- Henry's Older Sister: A Once Upon a Time Fanfiction. She works at a law firm with mostly men who push her around and make her feel useless. Yes, King Arthur is a complex character in legends, depending on which story you're talking about. Regina walks to the door and opens it to find Emma standing there looking like a fool. Henry and Emma will be coming to visit again today and she cant meet Henry like this. I haven't seen the show, but after reading this I think I kinda have to. Both complement each other and it is not possible for one to exist without the other.". She takes a step back as well. The curse is finally broken, but Emma wasn't the one to break the curse. Anyway, whats up?, Whats up is that you cannot respect my boundaries. During that time, the bell rings again. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. The Brothers Grimm stories also appear to be commonly used stories. I loved the idea of having a glimpse to 16yo Regina, but it felt short. The queen met her dark eyes with the shining eyes of the prince. This image depicts a scene from the fairy tale of "The Three Little Men in the Wood". And her phones gone along with it. A classic story with a twist. Regina wants to nod, wants to say yes, I know, and I agree, but all she can do is continue to empty her stomach. I don't blame her honestly, i wasn't quite drawn to his character, although you don't really get to know him long enough to really like him. For history of Henry's Once Upon a Time Book, see here. Regina watches her with intrigue. I havent seen you., Regina wants to strangle her but for once she decides to be the bigger person, she straightens her shoulders and walks past Snow, muttering an Excuse me.. Overall, its enjoyable, and it is obvious that the writer knew the characters as presented by the show well. Regina has many obstacles to overcome and multiple lessons to learn before she gains confidence and finds herself. Sometimes the pain is blinding. Regina is almost about to say no but shes so desperate for company and so glad to see another persons face that she steps aside. Happens when you're a womanizer way too ready to start angry mobs. Not to mention, Regina hasnt had the energy or willpower to get dressed and go outside. After Reginas sixteenth birthday, Cora invited a tavern girl from a nearby village to live in a cottage near their palace. She finally wakes up at 10 in the morning. 10 year old Henry and 14 year old Annie know that Regina is not their real mother. Fans had a lot of problems with the doomed seventh season, but Lucy was something at the top of the list. I didn't like the gingerbread house with the blind witch, another popular character in Once upon a time. Could she go on with her life without her own Yang? He let out a laug Lya Jones is the daughter of Captain Hook and Rhea Mikaelson. They reach Grannys and the bell jingles as they enter. Finally, she settles on simply eating an apple. As shes filling the glass, she notices her hands are shaking. Regina doesnt reply so Emma continues, I didnt know you owned jeans.. The book also showed us a rare glimpse of Cora's love, no matter how twisted it is, such as her falling asleep in Regina's bed the one not and wants to teach her magic, so she doesn't fall into the hands of Rumplstilkin. Sorry, that is. He was just boring and never would go away. I was just wondering if you wanted torant., Regina looks at Emma, undoubtedly a little surprised. And then there the way the story endedshades of a nicer version of the evil queen but the evil queen none-the-less. This looks okay. Who would be here? Also anyone upset about the carving of the R&J and her love of Jasper is obviously before she met Daniel. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. Henry's Once Upon a Time Book, commonly referred to as Henry's Book or simply The Book, is an item featured on ABC's Once Upon a Time. Now answer the question., Yes! Regina replies, Ive slept, and drank water, and eaten. Regina stares at the salad in front of her. This is affecting you?, Regina barks out a laugh. Ongoing. Regina laughs more than shes laughed in days. And here I thought we were making progress., Yeah but that doesnt include me telling you every detail about my life and feelings.. She settles in a booth and focuses on the menu, forcing herself to not look behind and trying to eavesdrop on Emmas conversation with her parents. Then, of course, Phillip came back, they married, and she announced that she was pregnant. Mad Queen, Mad Whale, and Jefferson/Priscilla, with some Gen thrown in. No, I doubt readers will be blown away, but it is a good story that hints at matters of friendship, finding oneself, and the inner war between the dark, the light, and destiny. Can I get water? She finally asks. Regina doesnt smile back. She subsides to 0her mothers ways due to the fear she has towards Cora, her mother. I asked you, to shut up, she grits out. Regina searches for her phone on the bedside table and then realizes that shed dumped it. Regina puts her head down on the table attempting to just sleep again when she suddenly breaks into sobs. And you know, Im glad I didnt get him, he wouldnt be happy to see you in this condition.. Youre welcome, Regina attempts to say but nothing comes out. All of which Regina knows is a lie. Of course not, Emma Swan., Emma steps closer and gathers Regina in her arms. (Spoilers ahead!) In the book, Wendy Toliver truly went out of her way with the detail in her story. i love regina and i missed ouat so much. All Im saying is, this is neither the time nor the place for this argument., Snow starts speaking again. Now, Regina finally falls into a troubled and restless sleep. Emma and Killian finally have a life that they both can enjoy together without fighting the town's villains. Reginas heart slams against her chest in pain and it doesnt stop. "I'd always admired the rug my father had bought home for me from one of his many trips. She can appreciate Emma dropping the topic. It depicts a scene from the story "The Paradise of Children". Ava was. She needs to do something. Her, and her mother Jacinda, but she counts more as a main character. Finally, she takes out vegetables and chicken and carries them to the sink. But when sitting around becomes too much, she picks up her book. She cries for a good five minutes and then angrily wipes off the tears from her cheeks. I don't have any plan for how many chapters this will be. She was evil in the Once Upon a Time world and she's just as evil in our world. She has the sudden urge to rip out Snows heart. They get more than they bargained for when she sends an army of undead flying monkeys after them. Now, she says. Also, the people who work there are very nice to be around, and help with everything! She was in the sistum for a year and a half. She finds Emmas number and shoots her a quick text: Hey, Im a little busy today so I would appreciate it if you wouldnt come to visit today. All of a sudden, Regina is back in a room where no is not taken for an answer, under a man who cannot accept the fact that shes not ready. This time its Emmas chance to demand, What?. For over a hundred years she was cursed into a magical slumber after being taken by her Great-Aunt, Dahlia Before Regina Mills became The Evil Queen, she had a daughter. Even after everything, it beats. After going over the options in her head, Regina finally settles on just being honest. Your mom A stab of pain through her chest, and Mary Margaret A flash of anger, And notnot believing in you Emma trails off. Some scenes, like that of the blue fairy, seemed perfect. They could never be anything besides enemies, right? How nice of you, much appreciated, Miss Swan, Regina says sarcastically. An illustration from Nathaniel Hawthorne's children's book A Wonder-Book for Girls and Boys (1851). To be betrayed again is too much an drives her deep in to revenge. She killed my mother, Regina hisses angrily. It depicts Titania in a scene from A Midsummer Night's Dream. This book gets a solid three from me, because at times I felt the period of this piece was off. Then she goes to eat breakfast. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Emma clears her throat from behind. 218K 6.3K 72. Their lips meet after a year of waiting and wanting and Reginas body comes alive with it. I was given a ARC at NCTE. Emma gave Rue up. Because I just do! She was an amazing warrior who fell in love with an inordinately brave, albeit naive, princess named Aurora. Just in case. He belonged to Wonderland, even if that show never got a real long-term shot. I was so worried about you, Henry wails. Robin has crossed the town line leaving Regina alone, once again. When I first ordered this book and read it was about Regina's backstory it had me to intrigued. Sorry, she whispers, more to herself than Regina. Regina hugs him back tightly, putting one hand in his hair. "When He Heard Peter's Voice He Popped in Alarm Behind a Tulip, from J.M. She just watches her sadly. Beautiful, thoughtful, and really unfortunate, Maid Marian was a heroine that didn't deserve any of the bad things that happened to her. Also, the old evil lady in the forest who eats children is similar to the lady from the fairy tale "Hansel and Gretel". Sick of everyone's lying,Emma goes to the one person her parents tell her to stay away from for answers,Maleficent.What if after finding out everything,she not only goes dark but falls for the dragon?WARNING:SOME EXPLICIT SCENES,G!P. And considering people found Henry a little annoying, it's immeasurable how annoying they found her, confused and unfocused. A beautiful little princess with brown eyes and hair like her mother. Chicken salad, Emma replies instantly and turns to look at Regina and smile. This is the story of a young Regina before she becomes the evil queen. Still, the writer does present that core of resilience that is perhaps the evil queens best virtue. In fact, there are quite a few supporting characters that fans outright hated. Instead of the enchanted sword she was trying to conjure, Emma finds she has accidentally transported the fiercest zombie killer in the universe, Rick Grimes, into Oz. They go there to retrieve Claire's dragon ring her brother gave her. She never wants to stop kissing Emma. Regina nods. 1,114 ratings155 reviews. Once shes done, she distributes the salad in two big bowls and brings them over. Can I say something? Emma asks. Once Upon A Time has introduced to a number of supporting fairytale characters as well as its main roster, but not all were loved. And the heart beats. The Evil Queen's wrath, freezing, Zelena, all of it. Yeah, hes worried about you too. Now stop pretending like Im a child who desperately needs your care and attention, okay?, Its like Emma completely ignores her. Now if theyd just writes a what if where Regina got to have her heroic life with out the hitler style evil queen bitbut thats another story. A Once Upon a Time AU story Once Upon a Time Fanfiction Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Now, Regina finally falls into a troubled and restless sleep. I would love a second installment of this, perhaps showing that transition in more detail with the subsequent magic lessons, and of course, meeting Daniel. They weren't alone in Neverland. Rumple and Belle became a general back and forth mess during the later seasons of the show. "Don't know. Regina nods. Hey Gina, Im genuinely very sorry for what happened. After breakfast, they get ice cream and walk around the park. Astrid is a sarcastic archer who was kidnapped from the Charming family and twin sister when Loosing their child had to be the most gut wrenching pain Klaus and Camille Mikaelson had ever experienced. But Regina's? Sometimes the pain is easier to ignore. 5-year-old Annabella De' La Cruz was in an accident with her dear mother only to come ou "It must be extremely physically demanding to be this much of an asshole." She walks back to Regina, bends, and puts a finger under her chin. Emma shifts closer to her on the sofa and takes Reginas hand in her own. Yes, Im okay.. I have to-- Regina tries but she cannot complete the sentence. It was a teenage crush. Her selfishness will always taint her fandom-image. What will happen when they find who that is? She gets to go a . With a huff of anger, Regina settles down in one of the chairs. He's not a boring character inherently, but he just so doesn't fit into this series. She even eats a bowl of cereal. daaaaaaamnnnn regina! I didnt bring Henry, though, because I know you wouldnt want him around when youre not in a good headspace.. Whether it was because they didn't really fit into the story well or were boring, they didn't make OUAT a better show. Regina, Snow replies, in her sickly sweet voice. Kissing Emma feels right. Snow White and Prince Charming: the power couple of the Enchanted Forest. While many of the characters in Storybrooke are from various fairytales or Disney movies, Dr. Whale threw the series for a loop by being the first character from a very, very different place. Once Upon a Time | Fantasy Romance Love Lost Henry Hate Swan Pirate Stolen Huntress Peter Pan Ouat Rumpelstiltskin and Milah didn't just have one son, no they had a beautiful daughter Piper. A classic story. "What Did She Find There But Real Ripe Strawberries", also from Little Brother & Little Sister and Other Tales By The Brothers Grimm. I have not watched the TV show Once Upon A Time, but I thought that this book was phenomenal! After all, her first scene had her slowly passing away from an unknown illness. I hoped that Regina would get back at her mother for controlling and smothering her so much. Emma Swan wants to help her son more than anything. Many of the stories inside seem to be new twists on the old tales but still reference the more well-known stories. Tomorrow for sure, though :). The whole day, today, she hasnt left her house. Part 1 Completed Like right now. He may have started a kid, but he became a teen and, eventually, left the town once he graduated high school. Youve lost it.. Emma shifts from one foot to another. If anything, they kinda hated his guts. Regina sobs. There are word counts and summaries at the top of each chapter after Chapter 7. The theme of this book really illustrates the true color of people, their loyalty, how they can be manipulative. Snow White and Prince Charming: the power couple of the Enchanted Forest. It beats and beats and beats. Et si pour une fois, cette fois-l, ils pouvaient se souvenir? Snow White, she thinks. Yeah, between his absolute zero screen time or personality, fans came to despise Phillip for ruining their beloved ship. But before Regina can even say anything Henry shouts Mom! and throws his arms around her. She stares at their adjoined hands in silence. Teasingly, she presents a hint of darkness and hesitance in the young heroine Regina, hints of what is to come. She couldn't have Henry loose another parent. Overall, I wanted a little more, but still an excellent story, and for any evil regal, a must read. Regina meets the horrible prince Benjamin, he is quite repulsive. Una per lo pi cieca Regina sta passando una brutta giornata; il suo cane guida corso via, in ritardo per il lavoro e si sente un po' sola. I was so mean to you. Regina, like her mother, has magical powers however she has not learned how to use them yet. Because she knows Emmas right. I really wanted to love this book. as well as Im just-- Im just not ready.. Of course, the trash had already been taken out. And only, Regina and Emma remain. This is not the end of me. Once Upon a Time Harry Potter | Love Story. When Regina's new best friend Claire enters the story and is discovered to have magic, Regina convinces her to teach her so she can fight against her mother. "How is he?" Regina asked, after a minute of silence. They married simplistically for the sake of Charming's dying mother, so before there was time f Sixteen year old Elena 'Elle' Weston was found in Storybrooke one stormy night. She runs away into the bathroom and bends over the toilet and takes out the four bites of chicken salad and the one apple shes eaten since morning. Emma nudges Regina. Regina's Friendship with Claire was truly wholesome. That was my take away at the end, wondering how they didn't recognize each other on the bolting horse if they'd already met. But no, she cant give up. Chew, chew. In the failed OUAT spin-off, OUAT In Wonderland, Will Scarlett was the fans' most favorite character. Work Search: Pan'. How about we dont start this here?. Whoever is at the door is impatient for sure, Regina thinks. How are you feeling? She asks. Regina flushes. Regina swallows and manages to nod. Henry theorized that Dr. Frankenstein's story is not in the book since he does not originate from the Enchanted Forest as the other people in the book do. Regina picks up her phone and automatically, the lock screen lights up. The stories that are referenced are usually the Disney version or the original version. There are some stories that do not exist in the book such as Frankenstein due to unknown reasons. Therefore, it's no surprise that fans absolutely abhor his ex-wife, Milah. Regina has a good mind to ignore it but theres a voice in her head that whispers, Henry. Emma seems to realize it too because she pulls away. A real smile. Regina rolls her eyes for the second time in the span of 2 minutes. At least The Black Fairy was extra enough to be of some interest. That said, it was an entertaining story that was engaging and competently written. Between Carl and Henry, no house has a chance of keeping them inside. Fans already new Cora was a real (W)itch, but in this book we really get to see how deep her manipulation of Regina is. I whispered in an attempt to sing one last time, and my hand reached up to press against my loves cheek, damp from his tears. You promise youre okay? I was just- worried.. Soon Emma and Henry join her, Henry sits beside her and Emma opposite. Rumpelstiltskin shows up in the tower late in the night and teachers her how to spin straw into gold. But that all changed when princess Eva tripped her one day when she was delivering bags of flour to the royal castle. Regina reluctantly gets up from the sofa and forces herself to brush her teeth and shower. For Regina, friendships have always been a rare commodity. Yes, come on, mom, Henry pleads, jumping. Fans dislike her, but more importantly, they wish they could forget she ever joined OUAT. Whatever. Shut up, she says, Im serious. What is she to do?Hope that her son soon will find something else to think about?Or make an attempt to find some answers for both of them? RELATED:OUAT: 5 Couples We Loved (And 5 We Hated). I'm such a huge fan of the character Regina from OUAT, and of OUAT itself. Regina She begins. Alright? What if he only met the heroes in Neverland? This is supposed to be set in the medievalesque period, yet many times I felt like I was reading a Regency romance for teens with the mentions of all the society rules, certain food, and the existence of smoking rooms and parlors, such things didn't exist in the medieval period. Oh my God, Emma says, appearing behind her. Emma Swan and Regina Mills co-parent their son Henry, who is the biological son to Emma and the adoptive son to Regina. So she gives up on it as well. , They're not fairy talesEvery story in this book actually happened. Dude, youve been under lockdown for the past three days. Regina narrows her eyes. Never ever. She has never been one to see the bright side in things, but when robin said he chose her she thought t "The danger is I'm dangerous and I just might tear you apart." Except, unfortunately, because Lucy was also cursed, she was much more distracted and unsuccessful in her connections with Henry. 52.8K 1.6K 65. After a "Year" of quiet, came a sudden shock to Jane and the crew. Somehow, he ended up being evil, annoying, and bland at the same time. Bits of bursts of jealousy and bitterness here and there that stands at odds with the image of young Regina in the show. When I saw this book came out I refused to entertain it, but gradually decided maybe I'd read it just to see how badly it ruined my favorite relationship. . Nothing, Emma shakes her. There is no thread of plot, chapter to chapter, because I'm posting my ideas as I think of them. What the fuck, Regina wants to say. She feels the same old anger and darkness bubble up to the surface again. (See the end of the work for more notes.). After all, it was pre-return to Wonderland Will, a drunk and miserable man who stuck his nose in the most die-hard ship: Rumbelle. But it seems like reading lately is just making everything worse so she gives up and gets out. cora made regina evil goodbye. No, Regina whispers, but even as Emma leans in, Regina knows its a complete lie. . But her thoughts wont leave her alone. I dont want to tell you, okay?, Okaaay, Emma says. Ok, I'm a super-fan of the TV series "Once Upon A Time" so I was excited to read this book which chronicles an early experience of Regina, who would become the evil queen then transform into a heroine (watch the show). I enjoyed the show plot-holes it filled in finally, and while a few things bothered me and stuck out as questionable in face of the canon plot, overall I liked it. Is this okay? Emma asks. I was hoping the book would move beyond Claire and her teaching Regina magic. Please consider turning it on! And maybe, your mom would still be alive, and Mary Margaret wouldnt be drowning in guilt.. She may have been pressured by the town, she may have been miserable, and Rumple may have been a meh husband, but she hurt Bae. RELATED:10 Plotholes inOUATThat Were Never Explained. Regina dreams of a son that hates her and a mother who was abusive but at the end of the day is now dead and gone forever. Please consider turning it on! Emma makes a bold decision to reach out for Regina. But instead, she says, Why the fuck do you care? Which, technically, is pretty close to what she originally wanted to say. Canon rewrite with Dark One Captain Hook, S5 style. You think your sorry is enough?, Okay, Emma butts in, taking a step toward them, and catching Reginas wrist. One of the most bizarre and fun fan experiences ever existed in Once Upon a Time, an entire show about basically making crossover fanfiction stories about famous stories. What are you doing? She asks. Et si, un jour, une sorcire se rveillait et chamboulait tout? She deepens the kiss and Emma holds onto her tighter. Regina shakes her head and replies with, nothing as well. Yeah, Regina snaps, unable to control herself, Me too., I really am. Sorely disappointing. (Alternate version) part 2 Ongoing At some point, she decides to try and read a book to occupy her mind. "Yeah, I'm definitely going to have to keep you away from my friends this weekend. Can I come in? Emma asks then. The book includes the following fairytales and stories: The Charles Perrault version of "Cinderella". But what are you cooking?. When the wicked witch takes over Oz, Emma and her friends travel there to stop her. Regina looks up and groans. The French ma Kassi was a normal girl living in a normal town until one day her mom drops her and her brother off A collection of Erotic spins in fairytale. And I dont think anyones ever taken care of you before, so let me do it, alright? She opens it and sticks her head inside. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (4696), Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard (5754), Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan (5524), Captain Hook | Killian Jones/Emma Swan (2841), Prince Charming | David Nolan/Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard (1549), Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Robin Hood (1257), Evil Queen | Regina Mills & Henry Mills (678), Captain Hook | Killian Jones & Henry Mills (300), Captain Hook | Killian Jones & Emma Swan (216), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (1193), Alternate Universe - Modern Setting (476), Swan-Mills Family (Once Upon a Time) (460), Evil Queen | Regina Mills & Red Riding Hood | Ruby Friendship, If The Jungle Book Were Also In This Universe, Ask Me If Noemi Is Autistic And The Answer Is Yes, Well Well Well If It Isn't The Consequences of My Own Bad Decisions, No One Is Actually Good At Crime Except for Regina, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Henry Mills/Drizella Tremaine | Ivy Belfrey, Wishverse Captain Hook | Detective Rogers, Captain Hook | Killian Jones/Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold, Regina is Rumples daughter cause FUCK THATS HOW IT SHOULDVE BEEN, Hook is neals father figure AS HE SHOULDVE BEEN, Captain Hook | Killian Jones & Prince Charming | David Nolan, Baelfire | Neal Cassidy & Captain Hook | Killian Jones, Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting, it's like I moved one piece and it changed everything, series rewrite with dark one captain hook, for now lot of the same dialogue but more change as it progresses, Henry Mills Ships Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan, Emma Swan is the golden retriever gf she was supposed to be on the show, Endgame Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan, I'm lighting matches just to swallow up the flame, Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Mad Hatter | Jefferson, Victor Frankenstein | Dr. Whale/Mad Hatter | Jefferson, Mad Hatter | Jefferson/Original Character(s), Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Victor Frankenstein | Dr. Whale/Mad Hatter | Jefferson, Minor Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Huntsman | Sheriff Graham, Minor Victor Frankenstein | Dr. Whale/Red Riding Hood | Ruby, Wishing On a Shooting Star and Thinking that a Heart Cant Lie, Baelfire | Neal Cassidy & Red Riding Hood | Ruby Lucas, Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard & Emma Swan, The Chronicles of the Dark One: Hadestown, Blind Witch (Once Upon a Time: True North), Original Female Character/Original Female Character, Prince Charming | David Nolan/Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard, Baelfire | Neal Cassidy/Captain Hook | Killian Jones, Morgan le Fay/Drizella Tremaine | Ivy Belfrey, Morgan le Fay & Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold, Captain Hook | Killian Jones & Morgan le Fay, Ganymede/Zeus (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Ganymede/Bellerophon (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Wishverse Captain Hook | Detective Rogers & Alice Jones | Tilly, Baelfire | Neal Cassidy & Alice Jones | Tilly, Baelfire | Neal Cassidy & Wishverse Captain Hook | Detective Rogers & Alice Jones | Tilly, Morgan le Fay/Athena (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Minor Prince Charming | David Nolan/Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard, Minor Cinderella | Jacinda Vidrio/Henry Mills, Cursed Hyperion Heights (Once Upon a Time), Evil Queen | Regina Mills & Wicked Witch of the West | Zelena, Captain Hook | Killian Jones/Red Riding Hood | Ruby, Ursula the Sea Witch/Cruella de Vil (Once Upon a Time), Jiminy Cricket | Archie Hopper/Wicked Witch of the West | Zelena, Original Captain Hook | Killian Jones/Emma Swan Child(ren) - Relationship, Captain Hook | Killian Jones & Henry Mills & Emma Swan, Original Captain Hook | Killian Jones/Emma Swan Child(ren), Captain Hook | Killian Jones and Emma Swan Have a Child. 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Fanfiction Wiki is a complex character in legends, depending on which story you 're talking about because pulls... Unsuccessful in her arms notices her hands are shaking loved the idea of having a glimpse to 16yo,.

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once upon a time fanfiction henry hates regina