
rappers that don't believe in god

Sometimes it takes a love and understanding not preaching hell fire and damnation. Nevertheless although I find you to be foolish for being so young and without having had the experiences that many of us who have endured the hardships that life has offered to have already formed definitive opinions about what is and what isn't. 2: something believed; especially : a tenet or body of tenets held by a group That was a privilage back then. Too bad you're oblivious to that. I cant explain this phenomena the Buddhist call it Karma. It was obvious. But there is no such thing as a real devil like the bible said it to be. That is going a bit too far. and like a rumor that passes by; None of it. and afterward no sign of its coming is found there; How about you don't reply anymore? Isa Massi just another salesman..its like fucking commercials !! Not so twisted after all considering the stupid things people have to say on here. Rhetorical question of course because the answer is always the same. GOD bless you and may he be with you the devil is a liar. As far as I'm concerned, both Heaven & Hell are ON EARTH & not at all based on some primitive man-made afterlife. Now, until you actually know "people who don't believe in God," I suggest that you do not talk about them or their Non-Theism. Period. Said by every Christian for the past two millennia. If you are uncomfortable with giving up worldly pleasures, then acknowledge that and make peace with it. Blk folk need find and research their OWNstory and not History!! @Samantha have you ever entered a house that was well built, furnished and decorated in an organised manner and you can believe that it was not built by someone. I see you are very passionate about your faith. Our ancient ancestors didn't have religion they had a way of life which we abandon. However, scientists are humans so they need brains and objective evidence/proof as stated in last post/s in order for them to be considered credible and professional. No falsehood can approach it from before it or after it. Jesus is now and forever, He is real. We evolved and developed. Dennis Spurling Ignoring evidence as usual for your faulty opinions. God wants to have a relationship with all of us, open your hearts and allow Him to reveal Himself to you and He will! Thus, your brainwashing. 'Think' about it, every religious book was written by man. It should not. Their issues with faith is their own and surely not one that makes me lose one ounce of sleep I just pray for them and keep it moving. Personally I believe in treating people the way I want to be treated. They are TWO TOTALLY different things. i am NOT a religious person, i am not a Christian, Muslim, Jew, Jehovah's Witness .whatever . (I wonder if I have to explain that the last line was meant to be sarcasm?). Neither one speaks to you. And there was evening and there was morning, one day. , @mark H. Edwards i've got news for you satan doesn't exist, either. i just ask you to ask God to reveal himself to you and He will and in the time when you will need Him the most. [14] Because the hope of the ungodly man is like Garth Blair Hey man. Nice try on attempting to make your particular prophet seem like he was more than he actually was. Just because these people don't believe in white jesus, and know there history does not make them bad people. God has been debunked for centuries. This is one of the many reasons we need to rid ourselves of this disease/addiction known as religions and god belief. 3) Religion and Faith are the same thing. Joe Rogan. Only a few on this list can actually be considered atheist or non-believers; the others non-religious at most. Dennis Spurling What? You never questioned the slave master, you never questioned the overseer, who just happens to be the preacher or whomever.". I met some cousins recently and the first thing they both asked in separate phone calls was do I go to church. Because the truth would have been found out of non-existence. That's why you hunger for his flesh and thirst for his blood, right? . But hey, God is good. I would rather live my life believing there is God and later find out out it's all lies when I die, than life my life doubting about His existence and later realize after death that He does exist! If I can read Harry Potter without believing it is all real and true you should be able to do the same with the bible, Koran, and any other mythological (religious) texts. Per your subjective presentations of biased and subjective evidence/proof so far, why should anything you say or think be considered "fact or truth?" I actually have a modicum of respect for Tyler the Creator now. Why is it so offensive that people don't believe in something? Yes, that arrogance and bigotry comes from and is upheld by your "perfectly acceptable word of God." I call myself atheist because people then know that I'm serious. Before our spirit You don't have to go to heaven, but you can't stay here. Staples. This is why religiosity and god belief are mental illnesses. No race is safe from it's lies. Ohthat is why the slaver did not want his slaves to read the bible! Makes sense I'm more inclined to believe the big bang theory than anything. I have personally experienced the goodness of God in my life, and I can tell you God is real!! Believe me when I say we are truly committed to our practice. You ruined it by writing ".that is no fairy tale." Instead of all that love, time, energy, appreciation, kindness, and love being given to things that don't exist it would be given to each other. Also, claiming you don't need to present evidence and/or not responding to this post would put you in violation of 1 Peter 3:15, which would make you a hypocrite and therefore hellbound according to your own unholy book. I would bet any amount of money on this. BECAUSE THEY GAVE BIRTH TO EVERY LIVING MAN WOMAN ON THIS PLANET! Their excuse is that the Bible was written by men, well, every book was written by someone (man or woman) but you believe most of the information that's in those books? HOW DO YOU THINK THEY WERE ABLE TO KICK THOSE EUROS IN THE @SS AND OUT THEIR COUNTRY?? And yes, it's disrespectful for me to assume that MY opinion on someone's religion should matter to THEM. MissZindzi, why should you care about the religious and their feelings when they clearly don't care about yours? 6Then God said, Let there be an expanse in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters.7God made the expanse, and separated the waters which were below the expanse from the waters which were above the expanse; and it was so.8God called the expanse heaven. In other words (with no pun intended), "Not all are created equally." No, I'm not "God's creation" and neither are you considering the fact that humans created God. It is all lies. Here's a suggestion. I choose to believe in GOD and that's my final answer!!! There is just no evidence for the religious claims that we all came from magic performed through dirt & air by a sky wizard calling himself "daddy/father." I know that I'm not wrong. Consider this: your faith should be stable enough for you to investigate and learn new things. Go and look up all the scientific discoveries, that had to be reanalyzed and revoked, just because of various errors that were found in their conjectures. Vast majority of objective proof and evidence backs me up. Christian hip hop is having a moment: 6 rappers you should know, including chart-topper NF. With all of the wonderful things u witness everyday, THIS IS HOE U THINK? We had and still have names for God in our African dialect. His debut recording, "Real Talk," was released in 2004. Nice cherry picking the bible as usual. It got black people thru 250 years of the worst slavery the world has ever seen. [6] So it was we who strayed from the way of truth, "And do not tell me whom I can and cannot talk to.matter of fact you should not even replied to me if you believe what you believe, I can tell you the same thing, keep your LIES to yourself and stop trying to convert other people's mind into believing what you believe. The idea of questioning without questioninga kind of obedience without questioning comes from this idea of being a former slave. However, there are some celebrities who don't believe in Jesus or God - at least not in an orthodox way. (y). God is real. He's moot. Peace out. Nowto answer your loaded and quite bigoted questions (which never ceases to amaze me with people like you in generally asking questions), the Nobel Prize is not just a piece of paper. 4) Atheists don't post, tweet, blog or whatever for "likes." and I have someone to live for other than myself. I tell you this though, one day, you will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day. A black person who doesn't believe in God after having learned about Him is a sell out and a curse to all those who follow them. You have no answers and you can't answer. That's what it was invented by humans 2000+ years ago for. If there is a devil it's the white man. Despite what you or I may think of religion as it is taught religion as a whole serves a purpose, it allows people to seek their better angels. He says, "If there was a God, I'd still have both nuts." Bruce Lee is believed to have been a spiritual atheist. Not surprised. Lance Armstrong tops our list. just say the film 12 years a slave and thought, how stupid black people are to be believing in this god and jesus and bible crap, the same tools used to enslave us. That's a fact that people need to live with. You obviously don't know enough about my Christian faith to even have an intelligent conversation which is why it feels like I have been exchanging messages with a fool. It the savage nature of mankind. those three are free of the programming that still holds you hostage, its totally a cult. I thank God! "And as I stated above, I have my proof and facts and I strongly believe in God whether you think he's a myth, a figurement of someone's imagination that does not detour or convert my attention away from whom I believe and what I believe in." No, thermodynamic laws does not disagree w/ me. Allah is real and He never lied about Himself. Typical. [11] or as, when a bird flies through the air, Well, if Jesus can over come all, then all the impoverished Blacks, who Bill Cosby criticize, have to do is pray to Jesus to rescue them from poverty and it shall be done. Here is a good video for the Unbelievers to watch over at Youtube: "God of Wonders: Scientists Prove Almight God's Existence Through Science." Winfred Theteacher Wills There is far more evidence for the big bang theory and evolution than for the existence of even a man called Jesus, let alone for Jesus the son of God. You don't comprehend vast subjects like the Spiritual realm, or the various dimensions of existence. [2] When they see him, they will be shaken with dreadful fear, Don't fall for the myth that imperialists brought Christianity to Africa, Christianity was in Africa specifically Ethiopia in the 1st Century. 2) What Dwaine has is not a belief. According to the Bible, God kills more people than Satan does so you can't determine which is which that way. That makes no sense to me. Our families, friends, children, community, lover/spouse, pets, those in need all over the world. And for those that want to question the physical evidence of his existence I ask for the same kind of proof that George Washington, Alexander the Great, Dr. King, the ancient Egyptians, and any other historical figure existed. Learn and keep an open mind, I am trying to change your belief system I want you question things and acquire new knowledge. Still stuck on your slave masters religion huh sister. 3) Modern science has not proven by evidence/proof in favor and/or support of theistic claims of any kind regardless of religion/faith. All you none believers I have nothing to say against you all I can say is that I love you and I will pray for you I judge no one for there beliefs you have the right to believe what you want I know what the Lord has done for me in my life so what a man or woman says means nothing to me because you don't know what he has done for me Bless you and your entire family's, Lisa, you are a retarded drone, regurgitating the bullshit lies you've been fed all of your pathetic life by your dumb ass parents, who were fed by their dumb ass parents, who were fed by THEIR dumb ass parents, who were beaten into religious submission by massa. Sheol & Hades is just mankind common grave, there is no such place as your being sent to hell to burn forever and ever for being bad. Thus, the ongoing relative world issues. Belief is just wanting something to be want you want it to be. Besides you get your "facts" from a book as whimsical as Harry Potter, which is a much better read than the bible BTW. That's pretty much what his last two albums have been about. I'll wait. Estevan, while I agree with your point, I find it problematic that it stops there. If you did, wow. Religion is nothing more than a carrier of a disease! LOL ok im saying there is no God, "Hes even gone as far as to compare religion to slavery, stating: 'A black Christian is like a black person with no memory.' Dismissed. Religion closes your mind, where you should instead be opening it to new ideas, and exploring what this world has to offer for the greater good. Tulsa's Channel 8 (@KTULNews) August 29, 2019 "Prayers for the people of the Bahamas, Florida, Georgia and the Carolinas," tweeted author Marianne Williamson. Did I say the Devil is in the details? Isa Massi I respect folks from all walks of life and all belief systems (though I do not support belief systems that contradict my right to take my human freedom into my own hands) but i have one question for you and any other religious person on this very interesting comment string: Are you familiar with the word DOGMA??? So, when a storm pushes the ocean so hard that your brain that you know is there, is now feeling that blood that you know is there, because those feet at the ocean's beach is no-longer standing on rocks, but your brain is on the rocks,& your faith is now a spirit not, but gone, you will now bury yourself helpless out to sea, never found; but god won't have to explain to anyone: "What happened to Wilhelmenia Kirnon?". Do your research and you will find out a lot you think you know really is a staged Show! Killing out of anger, making a man suffer too prove a point to the devil. We are all God's John 10:34 14Then God said, Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years;15and let them be for lights in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth; and it was so.16God made the two great lights, the greater light to govern the day, and the lesser light to govern the night; He made the stars also.17God placed them in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth, 18and to govern the day and the night, and to separate the light from the darkness; and God saw that it was good.19There was evening and there was morning, a fourth day. does it make me look fat? Daron, these celebrities are self-proclaimed non-believers. [12] or as, when an arrow is shot at a target, Have a nice life my brother, learn everyday. @ Chris Rock I see a few dollars will make a person breed contempt, Hold On to your little a pinion , for a fool and his money will soon part, then you blame that on Slavery too. Some music, including rap, can contain explicit lyrics that glorify violence, sex, and drugs. Christians and Jews claim to live the way they thought Prophets lived according to what they know of them. its called Jesus! Again nothing from nothing leaves nothing you dam fool. When Jesus was crucified,"he said"The work is finished"There are no more burden's to carry,because he has met all the DEMANDS OF THE LAW..Its the Holy Spirit that applies salvation to us and works other fruits in our lives..If we see Galatians 3:25-29.We are heirs to the promise..Spiritual life in the body is not a matter of legalism.It's not a burden; it's a blessing,because the Spirit lives within us.. Sam, sounds like you DO concentrate quite a bit on what's not "real". Now, as for whether or not you believe it is true is for you to determine upon reading the Qur'an. If it were not for slavery, black folks would not be Christians. No. But that is not the question you should ask; but rather what if there is, and all that he provided for us to escape is true. Believe what you want. They made shit up. Carl, you know how I handle adversity and hardship as an atheist-humanist by tackling it directly. People don't realize that our time here on earth is a chance for us to choose In the book of Job, your god makes a wager with Satan regarding the loyalty of Job, if indeed he is all knowing and all wise, would he not already know the answer thus sparing Job his unnecessary suffering? TD SNAKES, CREFLO SPARE CHANGE, AND THOSE OTHER SHENANIGANS ARE STEALING MONEY FROM OUR PEOPLE AND PLAYING ON THEIR WEAKNESS AND FEAR. #canuproveitsnottrue? They are real and they need US. one does not forsake logic and reason for speculation and myth! Where you and others like you are in is a primitive and fundamentalist state and position. No Kofi, YOUR A Pathetic Loser As is Joy Hollo-Head. We're on the same page. Atlanta Black Star is a narrative company. Therefore, location, economic status, social upbringing, environment, education, individual drive, the choices you make, along with many other factors & influences will ultimately determine whether or not your life will be one of "fulfillment or misery." Secondly, there is not one person who is 100% sure how the universe started, the difference between most atheists and Christians is that atheists have no issue with this fact, Christians however need an answer for everything and can't handle the unknown. Continue proving me right. many, many people separate work from their personal life. How can you deny the existence of the greatest African Jesus. Kamilah T. Harris It certainly is ironic considering you're so far from the definition of that name. 2ndJust because say you're not Christian and study Islam does not mean that you are not Christian and are a Muslim. Now, with that said: it is up to each individual whether he or she wants to believe that he is The Messiah, savior of the world or just some dude born in a manger. Therefore, caring about what they think or feel should not be in your mind when challenging and questioning. There is no difference. Typical. We are compassionate human beings. Winfred,you wrote: "How is it that archaeological science has proven every single word written in the bible?" AS A MATTER A FACT, BUDDHISM CAME FROM HINDUISM!!!! Nice try but incorrect. Otherwise I'd probably be the same. Chuck Norris's confidence isn't in his own strength, but it is in Jesus Christ. On July 26, Nathan John Feuerstein, better known as "NF," released his fourth studio album called "The Search.". What is the so bad about believing in God (Our beginning and Our End)? Foremost among them King James who wrote his bible to kill his wives to get more wives (sounds like our suicide bombers of today)! Prejudice, racism, and intolerance are all justified by the U.S. Constitution, by the work force, and at one time the U.S. Educational system. You not being a Muslim obviously wouldn't know that, however you should at least know more about Islam before you make such a broad statement. extremist Christians will not be happy until everyone on Planet Earth is either Christian or dead. John Piper encouraged readers of his book When I Don't Desire God to "wield the weapon of music in the fight for joy in God" because the Bible repeatedly commands us to sing and to play instruments ( Exodus 15:21; 1 Chronicles 16:23; Psalm 33:2-3; 57:8; 81:2; 96:1; 150:1-6 ). Founder of Islam. We should value that instead of religion. No need to do that faulty separation of "religious & spiritual." Honest introspection works wonders. Osiris Tucker: Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland, New Zealand, UK. Or maybe he texts you? I want to be at this Conference! MIND YOUTHE UNITED STATES BANNED THIS MOVIETHIS IS A TRUE STORY/DOCUMENTARY THAT WAS MADE INTO A SEMI-STORY LINE. Humans created Jesus (ethereal & non-ethereal). Paula M. Adams aahaha Well said sistah , well said xok, I agree with you LISA I truly wont to be In that number when my roll is called I wont to see Jesus I wont TO sing with the heavenly angels ,walk those streets of Gold and sit with my father on hi oh when I reach those pearly gates my father & my son will be waiting for me my oh what a day that will be so I say to those who don't believe I won't see you there so as long as he allow you to breath you have time to change GOD bless us all. Are in is a liar black people thru 250 years of the many we! Spirit you do n't post, tweet, blog or whatever for `` likes. without questioning comes from is! 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rappers that don't believe in god